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251 | The publication is dedicated to the biography of Professor and Doctor of History L. M. Pletneva, Russian archaeologist, and her contribution to archaeological studies of Siberia. Her research interests are focused on the Early Iron Age and the Middle Ages of the Tomsk Ob Region (the south of Western Siberia). Over forty field seasons (1963–2005), Lyudmila Pletneva accumulated a strong source base and used these data for creating the original concept – the cultural and historical development of the region for the whole Iron Age. In particular, based on archaeological data of the Middle Ages, she identified the migration of Turkic groups to the Tomsk Ob Region, to the areas populated by the local (Samoyedic) peoples. The publication highlights some social activities of L. M. Pletneva: she contributed to developing the archaeological education of Tomsk school children in the 1970s. Keywords: archaeologist L. M. Pletneva, Western Siberia, Tomsk Ob Region, field studies, the Early Iron Age, the Middle Ages, biography of a scientist | 1174 | |||||
252 | Legal and regulatory culture is an important part of the cultural heritage of any people. Mongolian and wider – the Turkic-Mongolian peoples have ancient traditions of legal consciousness, which were formed in the context of the traditional culture of hunters, nomadic pastoralists, warriors. A special layer of the traditional legal and regulatory culture of nomads and hunters, impregnated with shamanistic views are magical devices and sacred objects. The totality of such items is quite wide and diverse – it included meteorites ("celestial arrows"), revered animals and parts of their bodies, different types of weapons. The complex of traditional representations, prohibitions, customs and rituals can be described as measures aimed at combating offenses and contributing to the protection of interests in the dispute of the parties. This article focuses on magic techniques and tools aimed at combating theft in a nomad environment. This offense was the most common in the nomadic tradition. In the cases of unauthorized by an official investigation and a public court of offenses magical methods were often used. Having lost hope for voluntary recognition, the victims publicly announced the performance of the rite. As a rule, fear of supernatural forces, exposed the criminal. Thus, religious beliefs had a significant impact on the current customs of the traditional legal system of the Buryats in the 19th century. The existence of this form of justice could be a consequence of the process of regressive development of law with the fall of the Mongolian empire, when many archaic ideas and rituals came to life. On the other hand, on the periphery of the Mongolian state, the magic in the regulatory and legal system could not lose its significance. Keywords: customary law, religious beliefs, theft, revered animals, wolf | 1174 | |||||
253 | The article is devoted to the linguoculturological examination of Khakass proverbs and sayings in order to identify and describe the image of a hardworking / lazy person in the Khakass proverbial picture of the world. The material for analysis was about one hundred units of paremias with the corresponding semantics, collected by the author, mainly from the collection “Хыйға сöс. The Wise Word” (2014), also for the comparison there are the paremias of other nations. It is revealed that a hardworking person in the Khakass language consciousness is a reliable, conscientious, diligent, thorough worker. Thanks to his hard work, he provides food for himself and his family. In the paremias describing labor as a source of wealth, a unit of чағ “salo” is usually present. The image of a lazy person is marked by evaluations signs such as stupidity, a tendency to sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, an empty, aimless waste of time, living and eating at someone else's expense. However, in the popular consciousness it is not perceived at all as a hopeless and lost person, as proverbs display, warning about the negative consequences of laziness, and have an educational character. Moreover, the Khakass attitude to the manifestation of laziness is severe and uncompromising, and we have not recorded a single paremia justifying this human vice. Paremias constitute a separate layer, revealing the contrasting evaluative characteristics of two types of people — hardworking and lazy, which allows listeners to clearly perceive the implicit instructive codes of folk wisdom. We believe that the conceptual space of a hardworking / lazy person in the Khakass language has good cognitive and linguocultural potential for future research. Keywords: image of a hardworking / lazy person, proverbs and sayings, folk wisdom, concept, content, Khakass language | 1173 | |||||
254 | This article on examples of Shor heroic legends explores concepts such as soul (tyn) and power (küš), which have both positive and negative characters epic. The soul understand by Shor People as eternal origin, giving the body lives and capable, separated from him, exist independently. The results of the study found that soul and power arecalled "clean" (aryġ), in relation to the heroes regardless of their role in the epic, positive or negative. In addition, it turned out that the epic power of the main epic hero is stored not just in weapons but also in armor and other items, but the power of the negative character may be in the animal (cat) or the knifeskestik. Lost alyp power and soul restored various magical ways: reception inside (grass-cow parsnip, threejoint herb, egg, water), through the return of personal items (armour, lash), committing any actions (musical trumpet- pyrġa, injection in the mouth). Preserved in the epic beliefs and views associated with the notion of soul and power, reveals that they are identical. Lost force alyp necessarily loses his soul. Keywords: Shor people heroic epics, warrior soul and power, stollen and return of soul | 1172 | |||||
255 | This study is the second one in a series of studies devoted to the emergence and development of multilingualism in the Kolyma-Alazeya tundra area, a region where the territories of Yukaghir, Even, Chukchi, Yakut, and Russian settlements overlap. The starting point of this study are Evens, their arrival to the area, their contacts with the neighbors, and the languages they spoke. Based on the various sources (the works and reports of ethnographers, travelers, and missioners) we trace the migration routes of Even nomadic groups from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th centuries in this region. We discovered that the Even clans found to the west of Kolyma spoke Yukaghir and most of them considered Yukaghir to be their native language. Apparently, many Evens spoke two languages (Even and Yukaghir), some of them were trilingual (in Even, Yukaghir and Yakut), and quatrolingualism and quintolingualims were also attested. There were also some nomadic Even groups near the Southeastern border of Kolyma-Alazeya tundra, and there is evidence that some of their members could speak Chukchi, Even and Russian. The article briefly compares two dialects of Even which are spread out in the west and east of this region. This comparison confirms intensive language contact between Evens, Yukaghirs, and Yakuts in the Great Western Tundra in the past. At the same time, we did not observe any Chukchi influence in the dialect of the Eastern part of Kolyma-Alazeya tundra. Keywords: multilingualism, Even language, historical sociolinguistics, language maps, Kolyma-Alazeya tundra | 1172 | |||||
256 | The phenomenon of polyculturalism according to the archeological data is represented with a different degree of authenticity at several levels (burial, planographic, subject-related, ritual). In the Early Iron Age, on the territory of the forest steppe of Ob Region, interaction of the population of various origins is most vividly illustrated by multi-grave burial mounds of the Bystrovka necropolis (Bystrovka- 1, 2, 3) dated from no later than the last quarter of 1000 BC with the help of radiocarbon (year-ring) methods. The well-dated tombs from large Upper Ob necropolises, which were used for a considerable time in the Early Iron Age, provide important information for the historical reconstruction of various archaeological cultures. The total number of buried individuals, who lived in this area over the last quarter of the 1st millennium BC, is sufficient for a reliable representation of cultural interrelations that took place during the terminal period of the Early Iron Age in the forest-steppe Ob Basin. Keywords: Early Iron Age, forest steppe Ob Region, polyculturalism, scientific dating methods | 1171 | |||||
257 | The article uses examples of the shamanic texts of Shor people to analyze artistic-visual approaches as well as archaic and shamanic vocabulary. We also compare the shamanic texts to heroic legends. The language of shamans is full of allegories, similes, and epithets. A characteristic artistic feature of the shamanic texts is the abundance of additional items that do not have any semantic value but perform constructive functions that support the rhythm. Throughout the shamanistic ritual (kamlanie), all the texts are accompanied by interjections. The shamanic texts also contain borrowed Russian words associated with household items, such as kitchenware, from which the surrounding spirits partake. The borrowed Russian words found in the heroic legends indicate the degradation of the epic tradition and disappearance of this genre. The stylistic expressiveness of the kamlanie ritual is enhanced through the usage of paired words. An important role in the poetics of shamanism belongs both to simple epithets that consist of a single definitive word and expanded ones that include two or three words. As a rule, the epithets found in the ritual (kamlanie) are related to the sacred otherworld: "magic doors" – arba jezhik; "rusty grips of the land" – tapty tudalyғ jezhigiӊ. Along with geographic objects (mountains, rivers, villages, towns) and real animals, the shamanic texts include the names of mythical characters and places. The main shamanic characters (a deity – Ülgen; a domestic thirty-headed Mother Fire – odus pashtyғ ot Enezi, helper spirits, mythical animals, etc.), as well as mythological objects and animals in the ritual (kamlanie) are characterized by numbers, colors, etc. The artistic language of shamans awaits its researchers. Keywords: Shor shamans, mythological characters, spirits-helpers, poetics, epithets, Russism | 1169 | |||||
258 | Folklore as a phenomenon of folk culture has always been part of the subject area of Ethnography. Ritual poetry, fairy tales, myths cannot be fully explained outside the ethnographic context. In folklore works with the help of ethnographic data can be identified archaic ideas and relics of religious and magical practices that existed in the past. In the article for the first time on the Khakas material the analytical review of the folklore plots connected with a snake is given. It is concluded that in the culture of Khakas the image of the snake was endowed with sacredness. This reptile was elevated to the rank of revered patron spirits. The image of the snake was associated with the views about time and calendar rites. It was closely connected with the cult of natural objects, in particular with the worship of mountains, water and embodied the idea of fertility. Snake, as a representative of the world of chthonic creatures, endowed with great mystical power, was included in the initiation rituals. In the considered folklore materials data on ethnic history and cultural relations of indigenous peoples of southern Siberia are revealed. The snake for some Khakas clans was perceived as a totem. By snake symbolism in folklore was submitted to the process of inter-ethnic interaction Arins with the Khakas people. In the future, due to historical reasons, including inter-ethnic interaction with other peoples, the image of the snake has undergone a significant rethinking and loss of many archaic features. In this connection, in folklore, it is already endowed with mostly negative connotation. Keywords: Khakas, folk, world, snake, the protector-spirit, ritual | 1167 | |||||
259 | The article studies the grammaticalization path of the Selkup lexical unit mi̮. The analysis of the Selkup dictionaries discovers the lack of the common interpretation of this lexical unit. The presented study aims to develop a possible strategy for the representation of the semantic and morphological information of Selkup mi̮ in the Selkup dictionaries. It is shown that for the representation of the grammatical and semantic status of mi̮ it is necessary to clarify its transitional state and define it as: 1) indefinite pronoun (substitution for nouns and verbs); and 2) the element serving for the formation of the new lexemes and compound words in phrases and sentences. Keywords: the Selkup language, grammaticalization, semantics, grammaticalization paths, word formation | 1165 | |||||
260 | The paper overviews the various approaches to the definition of the term possession, semantic dissimilarity of the category of possession, detached and attached possession, the main ways to express the category of possession in the Selkup language. In dialects of the Selkup language the possessive relations can be expressed by morphological, morphological-syntactic and syntactic ways. The morphological way to express the possessive relations consists in attaching of the personal-possessive suffixes to nouns or other parts of speech. The predicative possessive constructions of the Selkup language can be divided into five groups, the most frequent of which are the constructions with a noun or a pronoun having a marker -nan and the verb ēqo 'to have, possess' or čaŋkįqo ‘not to have, not to possess’. The possessive markers of the Selkup language express not only possession, but also definiteness; they also perform the indicating, intensifying and distinguishing functions. Keywords: attributive possession, predicative possession, the Selkup language, deictic functions of the possessive markers | 1164 | |||||
261 | In this article, an ethnolinguistic analysis of 53 names of berry plants in the Yakut language was carried out to determine their methods of formation. Language material was taken by their various lexicographic sources, including botanical dictionaries. The empirical basis of the study was also field and expeditionary observations, dialect records and materials collected by the authors since 2017 in various regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). To determine the lexical value of the roots of the analyzed names, semantic descriptions of lexemes are given from the «Great Thick Dictionary of the Yakut Language» and the «Dictionary of the Yakut Language» by E. K. Pekarskiy. Methods of word-formation analysis are used to identify methods of phytonym formation: search of producing base, extraction of word-formation formant, the establishment of word formation principles. Elements of semantic and morphological analysis of nominations are also used, syntax constructions of complex words (phrases) are considered. Non-derivative lexical units are given etymological characteristics, in some cases, parallels from other languages are given. Borrowed names of berry plants are analyzed in terms of phonetic changes, the same principle of analysis is used relative to dialect units that have converted to the literary norm. Besides, some Yakut bases and reflexes in other related languages are compared in the phonostructural aspect. Biological characteristics of plants are given through descriptive method, as well as explanations of geographical peculiarities of places of growth of studied berry plants are given. It has been established that the main method of nomination of phytonyms, which denote names of berry plants in the Yakut language, his nomination based on several motivational characteristics. It was possible to find out that this principle is based on associative metaphorization, which reveals the attitude of Yakuts to wildlife and reflects the characteristics of the world view of the Sakha people. The availability of borrowing from the Russian language is explained by the general territory of residence of Yakuts and Russians. Phytonyms of Mongolian and Tunguso-Manchurian origins indicate close linguistic contacts of Yakuts with Mongolian tribes and Tunguso-Manchurian peoples, particularly Evens. Keywords: phytonyms, names of berry plants, berries, methods of formation, motivational signs of nomination, Yakut language | 1161 | |||||
262 | Unique in dimension, composition and preservation the burial ground Firsovo-XIV (Altai Krai) was studied twice by continuous excavations (1987–1996, 2010–2011). Were carry out the study referred to as symmetriometria of ornamental complexes of the bronze age from the ceramic vessels of each of these excavation periods. Despite the considerable difference between the two arrays of ornamental texts (555 borders against 216), the similarity of the forms of the symmetrogramms was close to maximum. Results of the research, on the one hand, confirmed the rule of the minimum selection, whose excess doesn't influence the statistics, but, on the other hand, the study left unresolved the problem of inexplicable stability of combinatorial order of types of symmetry in ornamental complexes of archaeological cultures. Besides, symmetric "copiright" Firsova-XIV is very unusual for a “Fyodorovsky culture” to which this complex formally belongs. Keywords: the Bronze Age, Fyodorovsky culture, ornamental complex, symmetriometria, «copiright » of culture | 1160 | |||||
263 | The article is devoted to the creation of the Buryat dialectal corpus. This Corpus is mainly oriented on the study of the prosody of the Buryat dialects. Although the dialects are actively functioning, their current state is a matter of concern. However, in the 80-s of the last century, the program for studying dialects was reduced, and till nowadays there are no large-scale, systematic researches in the field. The creation of such resource is due to the getting worse sociolinguistic situation with the Buryat dialects, as well as the lack of modern researches of the Buryat prosody and in the Buryat dialectology in general. The paper describes the main stages of work on the Corpus, requirements for the collection of material, the principles of its segmentation and annotation. The material was recorded in areas of Buryat territory, speakers both men and women, who know their dialect since childhood and use it in everyday communication. The recording program consists of two blocks: prepared phrases for the study of intonation and spontaneous everyday speech. The intonation analysis is carried out using the PRAAT program. For segmentation and annotation the program ELAN is used. The work pays special attention to the principles of prosodic markup of Buryat. Available prosodic transcriptions were analyzed and basic principles of prosodic annotation were developed. In the Buryat dialectal corpus prosodic transcription will include: segmentation of the speech into phrases which differ in their illocutionary function, indication of the location of the intonation center and areas of prosodic emphasis, the description of the pitch contour. Special signs were developed. The work on the creation of the Dialect Corpus is at the beginning, so plans and future prospects are outlined. This resource will be useful not only for the study of the dialect intonation, but also for the Buryat dialectology in general. Keywords: Buryat dialects, spoken dialectal corpus, prosody, stress, intonation, prosodic annotation | 1160 | |||||
264 | The article describes the main methods of word formation in the language of Forest Yukaghirs based on the analysis of the word-formation nest with the top chie ‘cold’ in the derivational-semantic aspect. It is shown that this word-formation nest belongs to the number of macro nests, consisting of a large number of derivatives, is strongly developed and have multi-step levels (forms four degrees of derivation, each of which contains from 3 to 9 derivatives, and contains 24 members). It’s identified word-formation paradigms and lines of this word-formation nest. It is shown that on the paradigmatic level a word-formation nest with a top chie ‘cold’ is represented by 6 paradigms, on the syntagmatic level – by 18 word-formation lines, representing a series of single-root words connected by consistent motivation relationships. The word formation lines of this word formative nest are both binary and polynary, containing from two to five components. Derivatives of the derivational nest are specified, the meanings of the derivational affixes of each derivative are indicated. The characteristic is given to partial-specific features of a word-formation nest with a top chie, which includes units of different parts of speech such as a noun, verb, qualitative verb, action name, inter-word word, adverb. Using the example of a word-formation nest with a top chie ‘cold’, it is shown that the word-formation of nouns in the Kolyma dialect of the Yukaghir language can occur through lexicalization of word combinations. Since there are no word-formation dictionaries in the Yukaghir language, the creation of lexicographic descriptions of the Kolyma dialect of the Yukaghir language is a very relevant direction in Yukaghir linguistics. Studying the composition and structure of the word-formation nest will allow us to understand the structure of the word-formation of the Yukaghir language as a whole, to identify the word-formation potential of a different words, to determine, clarify or reveal the semantics of a word-formation affix. Keywords: The Yukaghir language, Kolyma dialect, forest yukaghirs, word-formation family, meaning, stage of word formation, paradigm, word-formation lines | 1159 | |||||
265 | The article focuses on publication and analysis of the materials found in a Nizhnearmetovsky burial site (Ishimbaysky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan) and kept in the museums in Ufa. It gives an in-depth characteristic of the monument and its research history. The set of artifacts corresponds to the late-Samartian ancient objects of the South Urals and dates back to the first half of III century AD. The date is determined by the findings of a mirror-pendant by the group Khazanov-2, a buckle by Malashev-P2 and, a fibula by the group Ambroz-13. The article demonstrates the cultural diversity of the population living by the right bank of the midstream Belaya river, conditioned by contacts of late-Sarmatian people with a sedentary population of the Urals. A bone spoon is not a typical object for late-Sarmatian monuments. This category was spread at the early-Sarmatian period. A specific type of syulgama links the complex to the monuments of Azelinskaya (Azelinsky and Suvorovsky burial sites, Kirov Oblast, the Vyatka river), "Old Mordovian" (Seliksensky and Tezikovsky burial sites, Penza Oblast), Ryazan-Okskaya (Zarechye burial site, Ryazan Oblast) and Dyakovskaya (Schurovsky burial site, Moscow Oblast) cultures. The Nizhnearmetovsky and closest Akhmerovsky II and Salikhovsky burial sites are distinct by their original combination of Samartian and non-Samartian elements. They were, probably, left by a mixed population or dwelling groups which had a significant influence on each other. In terms of their location three above mentioned burial sites constitute a compact group while the fourth site of that time period, Derbenevsky, is noticeably different: it is located to the South and does not have non-Sarmatian traits. An attempt to engage ceramic materials from settlement sites of mountainous and forest territory of South Ural and some northern settlements of the right bank of the Belaya river seems prospective. Concerning the sedentary population (Mazuninskaya culture), it is possible to observe movements of the dwelling sites to the south. The reasons for these processes are to be determined in the future. Keywords: Cisurals, Late Sarmatian culture, burial ground, inventory, chronology, contacts | 1159 | |||||
266 | The study is dedicated to the formation of the anthroponymic system of Russian language in the territory of Yakutia in the 17th–18th centuries, its status in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. It presents the results of analysis of the development of local anthroponymic system in the conditions of bilingual community. Popular male names of the 17th–18th centuries in the territory of Yakut Land, are determined through the continuous sampling and statistical methods, to be consequently compared to the most frequent male names of the city of Yakutsk in the late 20th century. Also, a sociolinguistic survey is undertaken to forecast the most popular names for the upcoming decades of the 21st century to illustrate the dynamics in personal names used in Yakutia. It is concluded that the 17th century’s onomasticon was mainly formed by the calendar Christian names, which had gradually superseded Yakut native names of the indigenous population in the official documents. The anthroponymic system of Yakutia did not undergo any major transformation in the 17th–20th centuries: calendar Christian names, forming the basis of the all-Russian onomasticon, were preferred for naming Russian and Yakut male population. The peculiarity of the anthroponymic system of Yakutia in the late 20th and early 21st centuries is in a largescale implementation of Yakut native names, where the almost forgotten ethnic names returned to widespread use, with the preference for Yakut spelling of the names. Keywords: anthroponymic system, anthroponym, Christian names, non-calendar names, name formulas, male names, Yakut national names | 1157 | |||||
267 | The paper presents a brief overview of the semasiological and onomasiological approaches to the study of possession in Russian and Western linguistic tradition. The paper discusses morphological, syntactic and morphosyntactic ways of expressing possession in the dialects of Selkup and covers various semantic types of possessive constructions. The Selkup dialects mark the distinction between alienable and inalienable possession. Keywords: possession, Selkup, possessive constructions, possessive suffixes, alienable/inalienable possession | 1155 | |||||
268 | The description of the processes of language death is one of the most important problems in the study of endangered languages. This article highlights the current state of research on language death in Russia and abroad. The analysis of the dynamics of disintegration of small language forms in places of compact residence of German immigrants is of particular interest. On the basis of primary data, the paper proposes diagnosis of the processes of language death of the second type (involution) based on the example of the decay of German spoken forms used by the representatives of Russian Germans in the Tomsk region. Keywords: involution, language death, Russian Germans, German spoken forms, Russian-German bilingualism, enlarged intra-extralinguistic approach | 1155 | |||||
269 | The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of the name-bearing and the name of naming in the pagan movements of modern Russia. The principles of the choice and appropriation of the sacred name as a means of self-expression and self-identification of new pagans, their distancing from the current, traditionally formed on the basis of the Orthodox culture of the namesake, are explored. It is established that the onomastic space of neo-paganism does not repeat and does not overlap with the ancient pagan nomenclature. Focusing on the traditional pagan onomasticon, modern paganism reflects their own preferences in choosing a name. The choice of anonym and rite of naming are determined by the new conditions of existence and the relations of the spiritual world of modern man. The predominant names are, as a rule, a complex structure, with positive semantics. The axiological markers of the phenomenon of modern paganism are the concepts of goodness, light, glory, ethical categories, reassessment of one's own worldview, and worldview through the prism of a new name. The name, in the respondents' opinion, determines the changes in their lives, helps to broaden their horizons, self-knowledge, improve the quality of life. Acting as a social, cultural and individual marker, the new name is a means of self-identification not only of its individual bearers but of new pagan communities in general. The onomastic space of modern paganism unites the representatives of neo-paganism of any variant, current, sense, allowing to recognize "one's own" and "others" – others that are not related to modern paganism. Keywords: modern Russian paganism, onomastic space, rite, naming, sacredness, self-identification, questionnaire | 1147 | |||||
270 | The article, which is the first in the series on the topic, presents the results of the expeditions undertaken in 2016 to the Udmurts of Western Siberia. Based on the data collected, trends in the development of the ethno-cultural and linguistic situation in the region (Chainskiy district of Tomsk oblast) have been revealed, the current state of the national Udmurt culture and language have been described. The Udmurts, who migrated to the region following the Stolypin reform in 1910–1912, retained their ethnic identity for long, despite having few or no contacts with the main ethnic group in Udmurtia. The data obtained indicate that the use of the Udmurt language is decreasing: children, adolescents, young people (under the age of 40) do not speak Udmurt and do not know their ‘native’ culture. However, the efforts of both the local administration and enthusiastic residents have been reviving interest in the native language and culture among the population of the Udmurt settlements in Siberia. Keywords: The Udmurts, Tomsk oblast, culture, language, expedition materials | 1145 | |||||
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272 | In this article, we are conducting a study on the origin of the Anlаut phoneme [š] in the Turkic languages using the example of one of the Kypchak languages, viz. the Bashkir language. In the Turkic languages, the problem of the existence of lexemes with the initial phoneme [š] is very relevant. The Altaicists do not reconstruct it to the pre-Turkic state. Presence of the grapheme š in the Turkic runic monuments is also controversial. However, our research shows that onomatopoeia with the initial [š] and their derivatives are widely spread in the Turkic languages, and they show analogies. This phenomenon can speak of the existence of a sizzling phoneme in the ancient Turkic state before the dissolution of the Turkic language community, at least in imitative words. In the Bashkir language in independent parts of speech, the initial phoneme [w] is a phonetic innovation of the transition of the Proto-Turkic *s > š. The [š] Anlaut in the Bashkir language can also be the result of the spirantization of the praTurk affricate *č-. Most of the lexemes are ancient borrowings even in the period of the existence of the Bashkir language in the ancient Turkic community (Mongolisms, ancient Indian borrowings), and later – at the stage of independent existence in the Ural-Volga region (Bulgarisms, Finno-Ugric borrowings, etc.). Keywords: Bashkir language, Turkic, assimilation, borrowings, Anlaut "š", spirantization | 1144 | |||||
273 | This paper deals with the use of the marker POSS.3G with the form -žə̑ / -žə̈ / -šə̑ / -šə̈ in Hill Mari – one of the Finno-Ugric languages. This affix not only marks prototypical possessive relations (partwhole, kinship, etc.), but also has discourse functions. The discourse meanings of POSS.3SG are bound by the semantics of SELECTION FROM A SET, which brings together the use of the same marker on the levels of referential properties, topic-focus structure and global discourse structure, sometimes involving their interaction. The contexts with the marked code-switching are in the main focus of the paper. This marking fits the notion of POSS.3SG as a contrastive marker. The speaker often uses Russian words, when they fail to select corresponding Hill Mari ones. Possessive marking is met in light of so called Observer’s Paradox or “linguistic cleaning”: the speaker is conscious that the linguist is interested in their language in particular and tends to correct the speech to the detriment of the naturalness. Such metalinguistic usage of the marker of contrastiveness serves as the evidence not only of the separation of two mental lexicons of bilingual speakers, but also of the possibility of metalinguistic operations with them in some circumstances. Keywords: discourse possessiveness, code-switching, contrastiveness, discourse marker, mental lexicon, bilingualism | 1142 | |||||
274 | The languages of the Ob-Yenissei linguistic area: Eastern Khanty, Southern Selkup, Chulym Turkic, Teleut and Ket are all underdescribed and highly endangered idioms (the total number of speakers of Southern Selkup, Eastern Khanty and Chulym Turkic is under 20 each, while Ket speakers number under 100, and Teleut – under 1 000). The study of possession in the languages of the area has not been complete, the existing works on this topic do not cover a wide range of functions and types of possessive constructions attested in these languages. There are very few studies of possession based on the data of these languages performed within a modern typological perspective taking into consideration the most recent typological parameters for the study of possession. The new project of Tomsk Department of Siberian Indigenous Languages sposnsored by Russian Fund for Humanities aims at designing a typology of possession for the underdescribed and highly endangered languages of Western Siberia, Ob-Yenniseic river basin, in particular. The project focuses on creating a “typological portrait” of these languages: the description of a wide range of possessive constructions in structurally diverse and genetically unrelated/remotely related languages of the Ob-Yenniseic area. The research focuses on both adnominal possession and predicative possession, the study of which will be performed within a general typological perspective, grammaticalization theory, information structure theory, and will cover the pragmatic aspects of possession. Being a universal category, possession does not have universal ways of manifesting possessive relations in languages: the languages of the world demonstrate a variety of means for marking possessive relations (lexical, morphological, syntactic means). Besides formal variation, possessive constructions have various functions and meanings: ownership, part-whole, kinship, associative possession, and pragmatic functions such as definiteness/indefiniteness. Keywords: possession typology morphosyntax types of possessive marking semantics of possession endangered languages of Ob-Yenisseic Area | 1139 | |||||
275 | The present article focuses on the description and analysis of means used to express possessive relations in Ket belonging to different levels of language structure (prosodic, morhosyntactic and lexical). The article surveys both adnominal and predicative possessive constructions in the language distinguishing between prototypical possessive strategies (possessive clitics in adnominal constructions, nonverbal possessive predicates in locational constructions) and peripheral means of coding possession (complex words and specific verbs of possession). Adnominal possessive constructions in Ket can be divided into constructions with an explicit possessor (it can either be a noun or a pronoun) and constructions with an implicit one. If a possessor is nonreferential, it is possible to use compounding which yields a complex word as a result. Predicative possessive constructions in the language distinguish between nonverbal locational constructions and constructions with specific verbs of possession. In the first case, a possessor is marked with the Adessive case marker, while the nonverbal possessive predicate (possessum) requires the presence of a copula. The nonpast tense copula is often omitted. In the second case, a possessum gets incorporated into a finite possessive verb. There is a clear dominating preference for using locational constructions to express possessive relations over the verbal ones in the language, which is the reason why there are no constructions of the latter type found in our text corpus. In addition, the analysis shows that various discourse-related factors may play an important role in choosing a particular possessive strategy in Ket. For instance, the use of a particular adnominal possessive construction seems to be connected with the possessor’s degree of activation in the preceding discourse: the more it is activated, the greater the probability of using an implicit possessor construction. Keywords: possession, possessive predicates, referentiality, information structure, Ket, endangered Siberian languages | 1138 | |||||
276 | The publication of the two books is an important event in the indigenous Selkup culture. A survey of indigenous literatures in Russia will show strong common trends, and first of all, the association of human with the nature, awareness of belonging to nature. The two books under review emphasize the love and dedication to nature, native land, desire to preserve and revive possibly the last traces of ethnic heritage. Modern Selkup literature is based on oral folk tradition with its ethnic specifics. It has to be emphasized that these publications have special value as sources of historical and cultural information, as behind the ethnic folk material, there is a wealth of spritual heritage of Selkups, which we are yet to fully comprehend. | 1137 | |||||
277 | The Second All-Russian Scientific Conference "Preservation and Development of Siberian Indigenous Languages and Cultures" (May 24–25, 2018) was organized by the Katanov Khakass State University with participation of more than 200 scientists, teachers, representatives of government bodies and NGOs from 10 regions of Russia and 2 other countries. The purpose of the conference was to find solutions to the urgent problems of preserving and developing minority languages and cultures associated with the basic needs of the peoples of Siberia in positive ethnic and civil identification, correlating with the preservation of native languages and the possession of the Russian language in the context of strategic directions of the state national policy of the Russian Federation. The conference helped to attract attention to the problematic issues that exist in the sphere of preservation and support of linguistic diversity in the subjects of the Siberian region of the Russian Federation, allowed to identify trends, innovations and ways of solving urgent problems of language ecology, as well as formulate recommendations for improving regional and municipal language policy, strengthen the need for active territorial bilingualism. Keywords: conference, minority languages, indigenous peoples of Siberia, language policy | 1137 | |||||
278 | The article contains the comparative analysis of gaming motives of the Russian, Komi, Mari, Udmurt, Mordovian and Karelian people and the as Bashkir, Tatar and Khanty ethnos. The consideration is based on the game "Bear-grandma" and the children's rhymes. The game "Bear-grandma" shows the commonality of the plot and the game songs in the Udmurt, Komi, Khanty, Bashkir and is evidence of a common substrate, rooted in the culture of Western Siberian Ugric peoples of the first Millennium A.D., who lived in the middle and upper reaches of the Ob river; recorded versions of a similar game in Mari and Russian explained ethno-cultural contacts. The comparison of the materials of children's readers allows us to conclude that they are genetically related, demonstrating the calculation of the text. It is hypothesized that "children's zaum" brought to us the oldest words of prayer and conspiracy, preserved at the beginning and end of the text. These materials allow us to assert that the game folklore and gaming culture widespread in the borders of specific areal. Keywords: rhymes, gaming culture, semantics, ritual, ethno-cultural contacts of the peoples of Volga and Ural regions | 1136 | |||||
279 | After analyzing S. Thompson’s views on the study of folklore (Siberian and Central Asian data and historical problematic ignored) and presenting results of statistical processing of data on distribution of folklore motifs in Eurasia, the author describes a previously unnoticed tale widespread across Siberia from Lower Amur to Western Siberia with weak parallels among European Finno-Ugric peoples. The protagonist is a travelling girl who competes successfully with her rival, often a frog-woman. In the beginning the heroine parts with her brother(s) or sister who later appear again to help her. This motif is absent in the New World and could spread across Siberia only in the Holocene. Most of the other motifs found in correspondent tales have extensive parallels in North and some of them even in South America. Many of such episodes are absent, however, across the Northeastern Asia and Northwestern North America and had to be brought to the New World at a rather early stage of its peopling. This set of motifs is absent among the Turkic and Mongolian people. Keywords: Siberian folklore, Finno-Ugric folklore, big data on folklore, Stith Thompson’s views on folklore, peopling of America | 1134 | |||||
280 | The article presents an overall picture of the direct contact between the Kurdak-Sargat Tatars and their northern neighbors – the Khanty of the Turtas and Demyanka rivers in a historical retrospective. The Tatar and the Khanty groups have conducted mutual visits for several centuries. The northern areas have been mainly of hunting and gathering interests to the Siberian Tatars, and the Khanty trips to the villages of the Middle Irtysh river aimed at trade and exchange, labor relations and the maintenance of social ties. The issue of these Turko-Ugric relations has not been discussed in ethnography prior to this. The authors have revealed the stages, supporting factors, connecting routes, places, forms and the circle of direct participants of the interaction. The research results have led to the hypothesis of the successive nature of the Tatar hunting rights in the Demyanka river area, inherited from the group of Middle Irtysh Khanty assimilated by them earlier. It is also assumed that between the second half of the 18th and early 19th century, the Khanty of the Yugan river, who came from the north, forced the Kurdak-Sargat Tatars into the periphery of the Demyanka hunting grounds after an open conflict. Traces of the previous history, among other things, are reflected in the local toponymy and folklore of both ethnic groups. Keywords: Kurdak-Sargat Tatars, indigenous peoples of the North, communication routes, watershed territories, interethnic interactions | 1132 | |||||
281 | The term "community justice" encompasses a variety of institutions for conflict resolution and regulation of social behavior according to the norms prescribed by communities. This phenomenon is almost as old as the human society itself – it probably arose during the transition from the tribal community to the neighbor and had been existing until the formation of the nation-state in the Modern Age, and in many countries of the "third world" it is still existing nowadays. Notwithstanding this fact, the topic of community justice remains poorly studied in legal anthropology, especially in Russia. The main purpose of the article is to formulate basic provisions of the concept of community justice based on historical and ethnographic data. The author proposes a definition of the notion of "community justice", identifies the prerequisites for the emergence and preservation of this phenomenon. Further, he defines the basic elements of community justice, that is, sustainable social and mental structures that constitute institutional basis of the phenomenon, as well as the principles that determine its basic characteristics and features of functioning. In the final part of the article some controversial issues are discussed, such as the legal nature of community justice and its institutional structure. The arguments are presented in favor and against the position that community justice has a different legal nature than the state (dualism of the judicial power). Keywords: justice, community, community justice, legal pluralism, customary law, community law, legal anthropology | 1128 | |||||
282 | The article discusses the sculpture materials from the Sharoon Bumbagar barrow in the Bayannuur Somon of the Bulgan aimag in Mongolia. The burial with the elements of kenotaph contained ninety wooden and ceramic anthropomorphic sculptures at present kept in the Museum of Harhorin. The author took into consideration the results achieved in the Russian and world historiography of studies in sculpture and proposes his own scheme of description and characteristics towards anthropomorphic microplastics. Presented in the paper nine ceramic figures from the Museum funds introduce to the wide scientific community the unique images of Keywords: Turks, Central Asia, Mongolia, barrow, sculpture, microplastics, anthropology, ethnic identification | 1127 | |||||
283 | The article deals with lexical processes that indicate the activation of the Ossetian vocabulary. The purpose of the article is to describe the functional dynamism of the lexical system of the modern Ossetian literary language. In the aspect of comparison with the vocabulary of modern Russian literary language. The work showed that functional shifts in the Ossetian language are manifested in the interaction of two different vectors of modern language dynamics: on the one hand, globalization, on the other hand, regionalization. The material of these observations reveals the features of modern Ossetian and Russian lexical dynamics. Russian language policy in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, along with the active influence of the Russian language on the Ossetian language, causes the emergence of a parallel, Ossetian-Russian, line of language contacts. This fact is objectively dictated by the very nature of the latter: it is well known that any long-term ethnic contact cannot be unilateral. Keywords: functional dynamism, Ossetian language, minority language, language liberalization, language democratization, language contact, globalization, regionalization | 1125 | |||||
284 | The paper describes folklore narrative strategies of Nganasan and the northernmost dialect of Selkup. These idioms both exhibit two narrative strategies based on the discourse use of indirect evidentials (Inferential and Reportative). Thus they differ from the rest of Samoyedic idioms which lack the distinction between these two indirect evidentials and thus lack formal means of differentiating the two narrative strategies. The paper discusses possible correlation of the narrative strategies with different folklore genres. It is argued, that one of the narrative strategies in question arose due to a peculiar Samoyedic folclore narrative technique. The paper discusses also some possible correlation of linguistic data with the cultural anthropology of the Nganasans and the Selkups. Keywords: Middle Taz Selkup, Nganasan, narrative strategies, indirect evidentials, folklore, ethnography, cultural anthropology | 1117 | |||||
285 | The problem of the formation and development of the Teleut foreign volost (government) of the Tomsk district, where Kalmaks lived, is still poorly understood. The consequence of which were repeated errors and inaccuracies in the interpretation of the territorial, demographic and religious processes related to this sub-ethnic group. In a number of works by modern Siberian ethnographers and historians, there are inaccuracies that sometimes distort the historical picture of the formation of settlements of the Teleut volost, their connection with demographic and religious processes. The source base of the study was archival documents, statistical materials, items from the personal collection of Yurga local historians, as well as the results of a genetic study of Kalmaks of various faiths. The methodological basis of the work is the civilizational approach and the dualistic theory of the ethnos of Y. Bromley, which are based on theoretical and empirical research methods. This article makes a significant adjustment to the definition of the boundaries of the first settlements of “outgoing Teleuts” (Kalmaks) and their descendants, the time of foundation and localization of settlements. The first settlement of Kalmaks was Konstantinovskie (Teleutskie) Yurts on the right bank of the Tom. The article analyzes demographic and religious changes. The process of conversion to Islam and Orthodoxy of Kalmaks took place in the middle of the 18th century. It is shown that the formation of the Teleut volost in the 60s of the 18th century is associated with the general process of creating new allogeneous volosts from groups of Service Tatars. The conclusion is made that despite serious religious differentiation and partial assimilation of Kalmaks, their number increased. The article concludes that the time of existence of the Teleut allogeneous volost (uprava) of the Tomsk district is the period of completion of the ethnogenesis of Kalmaks. Late 19th — early 20th centuries characterized by an even greater rapprochement between the Muslim-Kalmaks and the Tomsk Tatars and the beginning of the stage of the formation of the cultural homogeneity of the community of Muslim Tatars in the Tomsk Ob region. Since the end of the existence of its own administrative-territorial unit, the question of preserving the Kalmaks as a separate subethnos has become aggravated. Keywords: Tomsk, Tomsk uezd, Teleut volost, «outgoing Teleuts», Kalmaks, Siberian Tatars, ethnogenesis | 1115 | |||||
286 | The article considers the development of social attitudes including gender imperatives in Yakut mythology and epic. The analysis of the role of the character of Urung Aiyy Toyon in the formation of the patriarchal organization of the Yakut society is carried out. The character of Urung Aiyy Toyon was a patron of the new social order and a tool for supplanting the matrilineal community cult and its leading character the mistress of the Earth. The work highlights the stages of the historical development of the character of Urung Aiyy Toyon, associated with structural changes in the Yakut society during the process of transition from matrilineality to patrilineality, as well as the ideological function of this cult. The character of Urung Aiyy Toyon acted as a bearer of typical features of the social group of toyons, and myths about him turned out to be an active element of the structures of domination in the Yakut society. The cult of Urung Aiyy Toyon was formed and maintained as an ideological rationale for the power of the toyons, heads of individual patronymias. It was necessary in order to bring and strengthen the idea of a patriarchal organization in Yakut mythology. The character of Urung Aiyy Toyon is self-sufficient and does not need magical qualities and heroic deeds. For creators and consumers of mythology its social status as the head of the agnationalcommunitythe was most important. In the myth and the heroic epic of Olonkho, Urung Aiyy Toyon reinforces the patriarchal genealogy. In the cult of Urung Aiyy Toyon, the idea of male dominance is vividly represented and the tendencies that lead to the formation of a gender hierarchy in Yakut society are manifested. The mythology of Urung Aiyy Toyon was the rationale for the system of agnatic kinship, sanctifying the norms of customary law, reinforcing male dominance and women's subordinate position. The myth of Urung Aiyy Toyon appears as an active element of the structures of domination in Yakut society, which functioned as a tool for consolidating gender inequality and establishing the power of the Yakut toyons. Keywords: Yakuts, mythology, epos, olonkho, male images, female images, patriarchy, Urung Aiyy Toyon | 1107 | |||||
287 | The article is the first to give an ethno-linguistic analysis of the theonyms Yezim and Yazhylkan) in the shamanic mythology of the Altaians, taking into account their origin, historical and ethnographic context and cultural semantics. The research material is shamanic texts, written at the beginning of the twentieth century in various dialectal groups of Altaians. In the internal form of these theonyms lies the motivating word jеs / jas ‘copper, copper’ (Yezim – lit. ‘My copper’; Jazhylkan – lit. ‘Copper Khan’). This suggests that the origin of these theonyms is associated with the mythologization of copper and the deification of the mountains. The mythologization of metals and the appearance on the basis of this folklore images is characteristic of archaic cultures. The Altai shamans called Yezim a mountain, as well as the host spirit of this mountain, which they considered their patron saint (aru töc). Altai shamans believed that this copper mountain is located in the very center of the earth, where there is a copper poplar connecting all three worlds – upper, middle and lower. The shaman reaches the mountain peak of Yezim, overcoming seven obstacles. From the deity of Yezim, the shamans received a shamanic gift, spirit helpers, and attributes. The motivating word jеs / jas ‘copper, copper’, which lies in the inner form of the theonym Yazhylkan (Chalkan variant – Tjazhyn), makes it possible to compare this deity with the thunder-god, the patron of blacksmithing in Buryat mythology, Yashil-Sagaan-Tengri. Both Buryats and Chalkans attributed these deities to the category of gods (tengri, tegriler). Altaians was made for this deity an image of a white hare's skin and put it in a yurt. Keywords: ethnolinguistics, mythology, shamanism among the Altaians, shamanic text, theonym, mythonim, mythotoponim, personification, copper in the mythology of the Turks | 1105 | |||||
288 | The 4th International scientific conference "Preservation and development of Siberian indigenous languages and cultures" was held on May 19–20, 2016 in Katanov Khakass State University with the participation of more than 130 scientists, teachers, representatives of authorities and non-governmental organizations from 10 regions of Russia and 6 foreign countries. The aim of the conference was to identify priority areas of research on language policy, to study and exchange experience of innovations in the field of ethno-cultural and bilingual education, to discuss recommendations on the preservation and development of minority languages and cultures of the Indigenous peoples of Siberia, taking into account Russian and foreign experience in the field. Proceedings of the conference were published by the Publishing house of the Katanov Khakass State University before the start of the conference. The resolution of the conference contains recommendations for the development of the language law, improving effectiveness of native languages teaching, implementation of research results in the fields of languages, folklore and literature of indigenous peoples of Siberia in the practice of modern ethno-cultural education. Keywords: conference, minority languages, indigenous peoples of Siberia, language policy | 1099 | |||||
289 | In Khakass language verbal analytical form -ip tur – denotes regular iterative piecemeal actions. The lexical components in these analytical forms are multiple unbounded verbs of action, activity and temporal state. In the zero form –ip tur is usually used in speech and denotes regular repetition of actions in the window of the actual observed present time. In metaphorical use, when past events are described as in now-situation, form –ip- tur performs the function of the so-called present historical. Attaching to different forms of the verb (time, mood, participle, adverbial participle, infinitive), in the narrative with the participation of the form -ip tur – is used in utterances behalf of the author and expresses the value of regular iteravity. In the imperative form ip tur means the advise to postpone the action until a certain period. There are two forms and two situations of negation with the verb tur (-bin tur and -ip turbas-) with the value of private and public denial of iterative design. Keywords: Khakass language, verbs of position, verbal analytical forms, aspectuality, iteravity, grammaticalization of the verb to stand | 1096 | |||||
290 | The article considers derivational possibilities of anthroponymy of Russian and Tatar languages. Names person (personal names, middle names, surnames, nicknames) are part of the lexical system of the language, and therefore appear, are formed and developed in accordance with the common language laws. In the future, these names become a derivation base for the emergence of new anthroponyms and from the antroponimnykh of toponyms… Analysis comparison of similar and unique names of the person and their derivatives, ways and means word creation in different languages allow you to determine the features mentality, identify enter-ethnic contacts. The results of the interaction and mutual influence of different Nations and peoples. Material for observation based on data from sensible and etymological dictionaries of different languages, dictionaries Russian and Tatar names, names. As illustrative material presented archival documents stored in the GUTO «State archive in Tobolsk»; field material that was collected during the dialectological expeditions in rural settlements of the Tyumen regions (2014–2018). Despite the fact that the secondary names are considered in multi-system languages, observations on the material allow you to make conclusions on the existence of universal concepts and General cultural values: due to cultural and historical ties, later formation Tatar surnames passed on those word- formation models, which have developed in the Russian language, and with the help of the same formants; Russian language, from one motivating basis (own name ) can to form the derivatives two and further the names in both languages the derivation base is not only the names, and their qualitative; widely common phonetic variants of the names. Often difficult, and sometimes it is almost impossible to determine the origin of the names of different peoples because of their phonetic harmony. Derived units themselves become the basis for the emergence of tumors – the phenomenon affected not only the surname of different peoples, but also atastrophic names. For the analysis of onomasticon presented in the article, we used descriptive method: observation, generalization and classification of the material. In semantic reconstruction the etymological method was used analysis taking into account phonetic and word-formative aspects. Identity lexical derivation processes formations the onomasticon dissimilar languages is due to community territory. On which they live in close cooperation Russians and Tatars. Keywords: anthroponym, toponym, motivating the base, derivation base, derivational connections, word-formation, Tobolsk guberniya | 1096 | |||||
291 | The Dargwa varieties spoken by inhabitants of the villages Shiri and Amuzgi (Dakhadaev district, Daghestan) have never before been the subject of a separate study. In general works on Dargwa dialectology these idioms are either never mentioned or described as subdialects (Rus. govor) of Kubachi or Sirhwa. However, the data I have collected during fieldwork in the villages of Shiri and Amuzgi in 2012–2018 гг. clearly show that these dialects should be considered to form a separate branch of the Dargwa group (either as a separate language or as a dialect group, depending on whether Dargwa is treated as a language or a subfamily), lexicostatistically positioned approximately in the middle between Kubachi and Sanzhi. Amuzgi, however, when treated separately, shows significantly more similarity to Kubachi than Shiri. In this paper, I describe, for the first time, the main linguistic features of Shiri and Amuzgi; based on lexical, phonetic and morphological features I demonstrate that the similarities of Shiri and, especially Amuzgi with Kubachi are the result of secondary contact influence. This is an interesting case for the typology of language contact, showing that a dialect continuum situation may arise even between languages that have diverged at a considerable time depth. Keywords: Dargwa, East Caucasian languages, dialectology, phonology, morphology, language contact | 1092 | |||||
292 | As shown in a number of recent publications (see, in particular, (Aikhenvald, 2011ab), (Nikitina, 2012), (Evans, 2013)), the binary opposition of direct vs. indirect speech is not applicable to many languages of the world. In particular, in the reported speech constructions of many languages, part of deictic elements is chosen from the perspective of the current interlocutors, whereas other elements are oriented towards the reported interlocutors. This paper discusses personal deixis in the reported speech constructions of Tanti – a dialect of Dargwa (East Caucasian). A remarkable part of these constructions shows “mixed” properties: the verb form is chosen as if it were direct speech, while the pronouns reflect the current communicative situation. As a result, we observe constructions where the verb “disagrees” with the NP that is expected to control agreement (lit. ‘Johni said hei am ill’). I tried to show that in the reported speech, all elements of personal deixis within the verb (person, direct/inverse, etc.) are synchronically chosen from one of the two possible points of view (current interlocutors vs. reported interlocutors). At far as pronouns are concerned, the speaker is free to choose his point of view and not take into account neither the form of the verb nor the person of other pronouns. This violates the well-known ‘Switch Together constraint’ (Anand and Nevins, 2004: 24). In this paper, I explained these phenomena by the “referential” nature of agreement in Dargwa: when choosing an agreement marker, the speaker of Dargwa normally focuses on the properties of the referent of the controlling NP (not on the formal properties of the head noun). At the same time, since “disagreement” and other properties of reported speech are common for several Nakh-Dagestanian languages, we need to look for a more general and more theoretically oriented approach. Keywords: Dargwa, Dargi, Nakh-Dagestanian languages, East Caucasian languages, reported speech, direct speech, indirect speech, personal agreement, gender agreement, semantic agreement | 1091 | |||||
293 | It is well known that among special lexical nominations dominate so called folk terms referred to as words or word combinations instrumental for nominating ideas of a certain professional field. Based on the traditional diet of Turkic peoples of Siberia, we conduct a comparative-historical, etymological, contrastive analysis of dairy names which are a crucial element of the material culture of peoples inhabiting vast taiga areas of Siberia and Russian Far East. It has been found that dialect vocabulary still has a notable impact on literary languages of the Altai, the Tuva, the Khakass, and the Yakut as evidenced by the fact that folk terms of traditional material culture enter their vocabulary, especially those from folklore, epic texts published by speakers of local dialects of Siberian languages. Diary names are not uniform in terms of their origin. They show a significant number of Mongolic, Tungusic, and Chinese elements along with Turkic roots. Dairy names include vocabulary resulting from formation and development of dialects. The given group of words in Turkic languages of Siberia reflects historical contacts with both related and non-related peoples. Keywords: Turkic languages of Siberia, vocabulary, comparative method, dairy, semasiology | 1089 | |||||
294 | The article describes the ritual contests and games conducted at present in the wedding rituals of Chinese Tuvinians. These competitions, as before, are mandatory components of the wedding ritual and are held in two places: at the wedding feast of the bride's parents – the wrestle for the sheep's head, the competition in ignition the fire; as well as at the groom's parents – the scattering of flour, the wrestle for the sheep's skin, the competition in ignition the fire in the home of the newlyweds. It is revealed that these challenges are strongly pronounced the ritual-magic function, which should help to strengthen the marriage union, the welfare of the newlyweds, receiving the grace of cattle, and also establishing contact with the deities of the Upper world. At the same time, it is established that for the bearers of tradition, the semantics of the sacredness of the competition is no recognized. The work also presents a description of non-ritual games: hiding beads, beating by leather strap, which are arranged after the ritual part of the wedding. It is noted that, if to date, the wedding ritual competitions have not changed and are performed in full, in recent years during the wedding, the bearers of the tradition are less likely to play non-ritual games. In the comparative aspect, similar ritual competitions and games are considered, which in the past existed among the indigenous Siberian peoples: Russian Tuvinians, Altaians and Buryats. In the data on the Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Siberia nowadays only fragments of these traditions are found, in Chinese Tuvinians they are preserved in full, which indicates the preservation of many elements of traditional culture, and its authenticity of the existence of wedding ritual culture. Keywords: Tuvinians of China, wedding ceremony of Chinese Tuvinians, ritual competitions, nonritual games, identical wedding competitions at Buryats and Altaians, semantics and pragmatics of competitions | 1088 | |||||
295 | Despite of popularization of visual anthropology among other social and humanities scientific disciplines, it’s theoretical and methodological questions are still studied quite poorly. In this article the specifics of visual anthropology as a scientific discipline since the beginning of XXI century are reviewed. Special attention is paid to critique of anthropological cinema, as a main product of visual anthropological research. The traditional approach to understanding of visual anthropology cinema perception has been analyzed. Different approaches to problem of anthropological film authenticity has been reviewed. The traditional critique of anthropological cinema has been analyzed from different positions such as physiology and psychology of visual perception, visual cognition, culture and psychology of video material visual perception, scientific and philosophical conception of postmodernity. In the ending the article is summed up and relevant conclusions are made. Keywords: visual anthropology, anthropological cinema, ethnology, postmodernity, ophthalmology | 1082 | |||||
296 | The paper deals with the system of future reference forms in both Enets dialects: Future and Debitive attested both in Forest Enets and Tundra Enets, Hypothetical attested only in Forest Enest and Analytical Debitive attested only in Tundra Enets. The paper provides brief information on morphological structure of these forms, numerical data on their frequency in texts and a comparison of the contexts where these forms are used. Debitive expresses modal meanings of deontic and epistemic obligation and epistemic possibility. Forest Enets Hypothetical is used for weak intentional future and for weak epistemic possibility. Tundra Enets Analytical Debitive is limited by contexts of weak epistemic possibility. The most frequent Future form is used for sure predictive future and sure intentional future, but also is attested in modal contexts mentioned above. This can be summarized as a privative opposition between the Future form that has an unrestricted general future meaning and modal forms that are used for more particular modal meanings. This feature of the Enets verbal system contrasts it with a known cross-linguistic distinction of future certainty vs. future possibility and therefore Enets data are of interest for linguistic typology. Keywords: Enets, Samoyedic, future, modality, verbal forms competition | 1082 | |||||
297 | According to a hypothesis put forward by E. A. Helimski, the paradigmatic alternation of root vowels (ablaut) in Khanty results from the influence of second syllable vowels, themselves partially lost already in Proto-Khanty. Helimski’s internal reconstruction of these vowels – ablaut triggers *I, *II, *U and *AA – is convincing, but their Uralic origins remain unknown. The purpose of the present article is to investigate the origins of one of these vowels – the ablaut trigger *I. This vowel is found in four suffixes: 1) a suffix deriving adjectives from local nouns, 2) a suffix of denominal nouns, 3) a suffix of deverbal nouns, and 4) coaffix of possessive forms in kinship terms. The locative adjective suffix and the possessive coaffix have reliable counterparts in other Uralic languages. The locative adjective suffix *-I has cognates in Mansi, Permic, and Samoyedic. These cognates allow us to reconstruct the Proto-Uralic locative adjective suffix as *-ji. The coaffix of the possessive forms in kinship terms *-I- has parallels in Mari, Udmurt, Hungarian, and Selkup. We can suppose that Proto-Uralic had a distinct series of possessive affixes for kinship terms, that differed from usual possessive affixes by having attached a coaffix *-j- before 1st and 2nd person markers. Keywords: Uralic languages, Ob-Ugric languages, historical phonology, morphological reconstruction, Proto-Uralic | 1081 | |||||
298 | Place names, in spite of their denotative character, haven't been the object of close attention of cognitive scientists until recently. However, recent studies in cognitive linguistics have given impetus to the development of toponymy in this direction. The article analyzes both Russian and foreign scientific literature on the cognitive approach to the study of toponymics, which shows that, in general, researchers are cautious with terminology in the cognitive-toponymic context, preferring to replace the word combination «cognitive toponymy» with descriptive constructions. The author asks the question about the expediency of introducing the term «cognitive toponymy» and substantiates the conclusion about its necessity in onomastic terminology system. The article develops definitions for the concepts of «cognitive toponymy» and «cognitive toponym», makes assumptions about the goals and objectives of cognitive toponymy as a science. The close connection between scientific-cognitive approach and toponymy is supported by examples. Particular emphasis is made on the role of visual and mental perception in place naming. In the author’s opinion, the future lies with the complex method of studying toponymic units within the cognitive analysis of geographical names in combination with statistical analysis, historical and geographical reconstruction, descriptive method and GIS mapping method. Keywords: toponymy, cognitive approach, onomastics, concept, term | 1077 | |||||
299 | The article is devoted to the publication of materials of the Bystryanskaya archaeological culture from a multi-layer settlement Novozykovo 3, located in the foothill area of the Altai Krai, 408 sq. m. of which have been studied. The material related to the Maiminskaya archaeological culture have been singled out typologically and planigraphically. They are the dwelling, household building, ceramic and object complexes. The most representative is the ceramic complex presented both, by fragments of ceramics and reconstructed vessels. Its detailed description has been given including characteristics of morphological features (forms of body, bottom and mouth), ornamental elements, ornamental motifs and ornamental compositions. The ceramics complex is divided into three groups. The first is represented by the Maiminskaya ceramics (flat-bottomed bowls and pots with a spherical body, ornamented with pits, smooth stamps and irregular-shaped pins with simple ornamental compositions), the second reflects very close interaction with representatives of Odintsovo culture (well-profiled round-bottomed pots with a spherical body, decorated with pits, smooth and comb stamps with complex ornamental compositions), the third – with nail ornament (pot-shaped vessel with a well-defined neck, a spherical body, a thick flat bottom, slightly curved inwards, ornamented with three varieties of finger ornament, which accompanies almost all the complexes of Maiminskaya ceramics. Novozykovskii stage in the development of the Mayminskaya culture has been identified. The chronological frame has been defined both by the object inventory and the characteristics of the ceramic complex as the VI – VIII centuries A.D. The authors have presented their point of view on the chronology of the Mayminskaya archaeological culture (the I century B.C. – the VIII century A.D.). The material is introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Keywords: Settlement, ceramics, culture, foothills, Early Middle Ages | 1073 | |||||
300 | Traditional games and competitions of the Kyrgyz people have developed since immemorial time. Among the means of the national system of physical education were heroic competitions, traditional games, outdoor games, intellectual games, entertainment and exercises. Their history, features and status are reflected upon in this article. These games and competitions held a special place in the life of the nomadic Kyrgyz people. They helped the upbringing of children and youth, entertained the audience, carried out military-physical education and served to uphold people's health. In the oral folklore of the Kyrgyz people - epics, historical traditions, genealogy (sanzhyra), fairy tales, the heroic deeds were glorified, and numerous scenes of fights are described. As a rule, heroes-warriors were endowed with great physical strength, spiritual beauty and bravery. Researchers of the traditional games and competitions of the Yenisei Kyrgyz people paid particular attention to the fact that in the Middle Ages, the Kyrgyz people and neighboring peoples cultivated complex multi-athletic sports competitions. Similar integrated sports competitions are traditionally held in subsequent years, for example, integrated sports competitions in national sports and folk games, starting from 1949; All-Union competitions in equestrian sports of collective farmers, members of state farms and stud farms since 1958; international competitions in national sports in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the "Manas" epic, 3000th anniversary of Osh city, 500th anniversary of the hero Kurmanbek, World Nomad Games. The creation of the Center for Development of National Sports (2012), later renamed into the Directorate for Development of National Sports, was very important for further development of national sports and folk games. Over the past five years, the Directorate has done a lot of work to improve its activities and conduct sports competitions. Over time, and especially during the period of sovereignty, traditional games and competitions gained rapid development and international status. They are now an invaluable gift, inherited from wise ancestors and are important in organizing the most interesting competitions in the form of the World Nomad Games. They began to be held periodically every two years on the shores of the sacred Issyk- Kul Lake and they had a brilliant prospect. Keywords: traditional games and competitions, historical information on the development of physical education | 1073 |