Request to Update Domain and Email Information for Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that our scientific journal, Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology, has updated its domain name.
The domain has changed from to
Currently, both web addresses are operational. However, as of December 25, 2024, the domain will no longer be active.
The current issue of the Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology (issue 4) has been published.

In the issue:
The journal "Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology" is included in the EBSCO Publishing database.

EBSCO Publishing is the world's leading full-text journals, magazines, and eBooks provider.
Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) updated index-numbers of Russian scientific journals.
The RISC indexes of "Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology" for May 21, 2015:
The two-year impact factor RISC - 0,667;
The two-year impact factor RISC without self-citation - 0,458.
The publication is included in the database of periodicals “Ulrich's Periodicals Directory”.
The publication is included in the database of periodicals “Ulrich's Periodicals Directory”.