Information for Authors
Submission Requirements
The journal publishes scientific papers in the following groups of scientific areas:
The journal is included in the “List of the leading reviewed scientific journals and publications, which publish basic scientific results of theses for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences” of the Highest Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Frequency of publication: 6 issues per year.
Requirements to materials submitted for publication
The manuscript and supplementary files should be submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal in the form of files (one or several) via e-mail or on electronic media.
Structure of the manuscript
The manuscript should consist of two blocks. The first and principal block should contain: UDC, full name (first, middle and second) of the author(s), title, abstract, key words, text of the article, list of references (issued in accordance with GOST P 7.05-2008), information about the authors: academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (study), postal address of the organization, telephone, fax, e-mail. The second block is in English. It should consist of the author(s) full name(s), translation of the article title, abstract (Abstract) and keywords (Key words) in English, list of references in (References) in Latin alphabet, place of work (study) (English version of the organization name and its postal address).
Example of the manuscript completion. See Appendix 1
Manuscript guidelines
General requirements
The text of the article should not exceed 14 pages of A4 format (including references, charts, tables, etc.), should be typed in a text editor (14 pt font size, Times New Roman font family, 1.5 line spacing) and saved in DOC format. Images in JPEG or TIFF files and diagrams in MS Excel should be presented in separate files. Page margins should be 2 cm from each edge.
Manuscript composition requirements
UDC must be specified.
Name, middle name and surname of the author(s) should be written in full.
Title of the article should be on a separate line and highlighted graphically (for example, in bold type, capital letters, and so on). Do not use contracted forms and abbreviations.
Abstract (Summary)
The abstract should follow the structure of the article (relevance, degree of exploration of the problem, the goal, the main results, conclusion) and characterize the theoretical and practical significance of the study results. The abstract should not contain wording echoing the title, cumbersome grammatical structures and abbreviations. The text should be written in scientific style.
The volume of abstracts (summaries) depends on the content of the article, but should not be less than 50 - 100 words.
All abbreviations must be disclosed in the summary (in spite of the fact that they will be disclosed in the main text of the article), references to the numbers of publications from reference list are not required.
The text of the summary should to be associated with the use of the words “consequently”, “for example”, “as a result.” Avoid the use of unnecessary introductory phrases (eg, “the author of the article considers...”, “The article presents...” and so on).
For publication of the article the authors need to complete, sign and send by mail the agreement which is posted on the journal’s website (DOWNLOAD AGREEMENT). The number of co-authors should not exceed 3 people.
Main text
References in the text of the article (GOST R 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic references. General requirements and rules”) are given in square brackets in accordance with the reference lists in which the sources are listed in the order of citation, not alphabetically. If necessary, the page numbers may be given besides the citation source numbers (e.g. ... [8, p. 25]). Each publication or unpublished source (archival document) is given in the list only once and with its own number; in subsequent references this number is indicated. In case of the reference to several papers all their numbers should be indicated.
List of References
Bibliographic sources are listed in order of citation, not in alphabetical order. The records should be given in full detail (if possible). References (at least 20 sources) suggest bibliographic information on all publications and sources cited in the article, and should not contain any work for which there are no references in the text. An obligatory element, reflecting the relevance of the publication, indicating the high level of research, is the presence in the references of the works of the scientists presented in Russian Science Citation Index.
For journal and periodical publication articles: Indicate surname and initials of all authors (not just the first three), title of article, journal title (after //), year, volume (Vol. 5), issue (Issue 4), number (No 1), the range of pages (from and up to) of the article published in the journal. If you wish to cite some specific pages of the article, please do it in the main text, next to the reference number (e.g. [8, p. 25, 12; p. 12–14]) – this applies to all types of the cited publications).
For foreign journals and publications the volume is indicated as “V.” (for the publications in English) or “Bd.” (For the publications in German), the page – by the capital letter P. (for English editions) or S. (for the German editions).
For books (monographs, manuals, etc.): Indicate surnames and initials of all authors, title, and other relevant information, editors (after /), place of publication (city), publisher, year of publication, the total number of pages.
For articles in proceedings (books): Imprint data should be given in the following order: surname and initials of the author(s), article title, two slashes, title of the collection, place of publication (city), publisher, year of publication, page range (from and to).
For theses and abstracts of theses: Surname and initials of the author(s), full title of the abstract, followed by a colon and the name of the degree pursued by the author with the lower case letter, place of publication (city), year, number of pages.
English block
The names of the authors of the article are given in Latin alphabet according to one of the standards of transliteration (Russian words in English letters). Translated title of the article should be on a separate line and highlighted graphically.
English text of the abstract can be more complete in content than the Russian (volume 200–250 words). Use active rather than passive voice. In order to avoid distortion of the basic concepts it is desirable to have the corresponding English terms. English-language keywords (Key words) should be on a separate line. The list of references (References) should be in the Latin alphabet in accordance with the list in the Russian-language block of the article.
Briefly the recording of the reference source should contain the following information: transliterated surnames and initials of the authors, transliteration of article title and its translation into English (for journals and periodical collections), for articles from the collections of works and materials of conferences and symposia it is enough to provide the English translation of the title of the article, transliteration of the title and its translation into English (for books); transliteration of the title of the journal (collection) and its translation; for books – the place of publication (city), publisher, year, number of pages; for journals – year, volume, issue, number, page range (from and to).
For reference list details see Appendix 2.
Place of work (study) of the author (s): the organization in English (the official English version) and its postal address – street in transliteration, building number, city in English (e.g., Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.), country in English, postal code.
All manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal Pedagogical Review undergo a peer review process and are accepted in case of a positive result. The review procedure is posted on the website of the journal.
The submitted articles are checked for borrowings via internet service provider "Antiplagiat" (Antiplagiarism), required originality of at least 75%. The search is performed on the indexed internet pages and a collection of full texts of articles of the scientific electronic library
Materials that do not meet the requirements will not be submitted. The received materials will not be returned. In case of a negative peer review decision the author will get a motivated refusal.
The editorial board accepts preliminary purchase orders for subsequent issues of the journal.
All submitted articles are included in the registration list posted on the journal website
There are no article submission charges.
Under the terms of the Open Access license, authors are entitled to:
The journal is included in the unified catalog “ROSPECHAT”. Index 82680
For any questions about the publication of the articles refer to the editors:
Tel.: (3822) 311-325