DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-1-113-122
The article considers the etymology of the exclamation blin-ta-ta used as a dialogue opening phrase in the active children's game of “red rover” type and as the name of this game. The formation of game terminology in multilingual environment of the polyethnic region is demonstrated, as well as the phenomena of semantisation and re-semantisation (semantical adaptation) in game terminology. A hypothesis is stated for the formation of a semi-semantic exclamation blin-ta-ta through a sequence of changes, distortions in a child's folklore of the misunderstood phrase of another's language: Russian and Udmurt blin-ta-ta(-ta) ~ Udmurt mil’ym tu tataj ~ Udmurt mynta-tutaj *mynda tətəj ' this way, sister' (Tatar dialect). Such a reconstruction of the original phrase is correlated with the fact of reference to the "girl", "sister" in other dialogues in similar Udmurt and Chuvash games. Thus, becomes obvious the substrate origin of the dialogue opening phrase (blin-ta-ta) in Russian and Udmurt game folklore from Tatar, which also correlates with the fact and traditional areas of resettlement of Tatars in the territory of Udmurtia and the Kirov region.
Keywords: child language, desemantisation, game folklore of Volgo-Kama district, languages in contact, language substratum, semantisation and re-semantisation, Turkic languages, Finno-Ugric languages, folk games
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 113 — 122
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