Evaluative Polypredicative Constructions in the Khakass Language
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2025-1-95-107
This article deals with evaluative polypredicative constructions that focus on the evaluation of an event or action in the Khakass language. Many issues related to the description of polypredicative constructions in the language under consideration have not yet been adequately addressed, which determines the relevance of this study. The article aims to identify and describe the structure and semantics of evaluative polypredicative constructions in the Khakass language. A solid selection of examples from works of fiction and folklore texts in the Khakass language served as research material. As a result of the research carried out, the author concludes that in Khakass, as in other Turkic languages, the relationship between the dependent and the predicative head unit in evaluative polypredicative constructions is synthetic (morphological indicators). The predicate of the dependent part is in the participial form, namely in the form of the present tense on =chatkhan/=chetken (the negative form is =binchathan/=binchetken), =igan/=igen (has only a positive aspect) and the past tense on =gan/=gen, =khan/=ken, =an/=en (negative form – =bagan /=begen) with obligatory registration with possessive affixes (more frequently the third person singular). The predicate of the main predicative unit is represented by the predicates universal (chakhsy ‘good’/ homai ‘bad’), deductive (ile ‘clear, distinct’), reliable (son ‘truth’, half ‘lie’), emotive (ӧrinistig ‘joyful’, hayhastyg ‘amazing’), ethical (uyadystyg ‘ashamed’), physical (sidik ‘difficult’, ooi ‘easy’), psychological (ooi ‘easy’, ooi nimes ‘not easy’), normative (orta ‘right’, saba ‘wrong’), utilitarian (ace ‘benefit’), expressive (khorgystyg ‘frightening’), quantitative (as ‘little’, kӧp ‘much)’ and modal (chakhsy kirek ‘good deed’) ratings. Other words and combinations also function as main predicates: combinations of words (ony la nimes ‘very strong’), stable combinations (pu chir nimes ‘very strong, big etc.’). The subject of a dependent predicative unit is expressed lexically and has the nominative and the genitive form and can also be expressed only by personal indicators.
Keywords: Khakass language, syntax, polypredicative construction, evaluation, evaluative construction, dependent predicative unit, main predicative unit
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 95 — 107
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