Socio-Cultural Aspect of Gender Marking of Phraseological Units in the Yakut Language
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2024-1-20-31
In the anthropocentric paradigm, the human being as a native speaker, as a representative of a particular culture, is at the center of modern linguistics. This formulation of the object of research requires a new approach, and other methods of its cognition, which take into account the role of the human factor in language, which determines the formation of the internal content of linguistic units and their decoding. In this work, the anthropocentric approach implies the principle of studying a person in a language, namely a person in the phraseological units of the Yakut language. The aspect of gender is relevant to the study of a person when considering the semantic features of naming men and women as components of phraseological units. The phraseological units of the Yakut language have not yet been studied under the aspect of gender. This work is the first attempt to identify from the set of phraseological units those expressions that contain the names of men/women and which come from the phraseographic and lexicographic dictionaries of the Yakut language. It turns out that a large number of phraseological units contain as a component the naming of the person ‘kihi’, whose gender identification is possible only based on the broad context, so in this work the interpretation of the values of most of the units is supported by examples from artworks or periodical. The difficulty in reading units with gendered semantics is due to the lack of a grammatical category for the gender of nouns denoting a person in the Yakut language. The study involved a systematization of the gender-marked units, i.e. the component denoting a person of male and/or female gender or marking the domain of their profession or social status, and a definition of the qualitative features established in the figurative bases of these units as signs with culturally significant information. The units labeled diakhtar “woman” and the areas in which they occur, despite their small number, reveal the theme of morality, especially as a violation of the norm for women’s behavior in this society. The phraseological units labeled er kihi “man” and the sphere in which he acts mainly reflect the description of his external features as well as the condemnation of the manifestations of his behavior in society.
Keywords: phraseological units, Yakut language, gender, socio-culture, image of human
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 20 — 31
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