Causative Suffixes in Tatyshly Udmurt: How Native and Borrowed Morphemes Co-Exist
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2024-1-9-19
The paper deals with morphological causatives in the Tatyshly subdialect of the Udmurt language (Republic of Bashkortostan). Surrounded by the Turkic languages (Tatar and Bashkir), Tatyshly Udmurt developed a more complex system of causative markers than Standard Udmurt. It consists of two suffixes: -t, of Uralic origins, and a Turkic borrowing -ttə̑r absent in Standard Udmurt. In this article, the properties of the suffixes are reviewed regarding the morphosyntax and semantics of verbal forms. It is demonstrated that the two suffixes apply different restrictions on deriving stems. The main one is that -t but not -ttə̑r can serve as a verbalizer and be attached to nominal stems. Another crucial difference is that -ttə̑r can be interpreted as either a single or double causative, and -t does not. Meanwhile, the patterns of causee marking are the same for both Tatyshly and Standard Udmurt: the causee gets accusative regardless of the verb's argument structure, contrary to Comrie's hierarchy. The suffixes can express all range of typologically attested semantics (factitive, mediated, rogative) except for permissive. In addition to that, in some idiolects, -ttə̑r introduces the interpretation of intensification or deliberance, which is typical of double causatives. Given its morphosyntactic properties and evidence from other languages, I argue that it was a configuration of two causative morphemes in the early stages of borrowing, but it functions as a single morpheme on the synchronic level. Thus, the suffixes -t and -ttə̑r exhibit differences not only between each other but also in comparison to their counterparts in Standard Udmurt and Turkic.
Keywords: morphological causative, double causative, affix borrowing, dialectal morphology, Udmurt language, Turkic languages
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 19
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