Modern Scientific Research of the Scientific School of Linguistics Founded by A. P. Dulzon: Results and Prospects
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The article examines the directions of scientific research of the Tomsk Linguistic School founded by A. P. Dulzon from 2017 to 2023, describes the results of scientific, supervisory, and pedagogical activities aimed at studying the languages of the autochthonous ethnic minorities of Siberia, and outlines the prospects for further scientific research. During this period, three dissertations were written and defended for the degree of candidate of philological sciences, three annotated folklore and everyday prose texts in the languages of the Ob Yenisei region were published, including material on the Selkup, Ket, Chulym-Turkic, Teleut, Khanty and ChulymTurkic languages, four monographs on the Selkup and Chulym-Turkic languages and four research projects were carried out. At present, the Khanty, Selkup, Chulym-Turkic, Ket, and Teleut languages are being researched with the help of modern achievements in linguistics, folklore, and other related sciences.
Keywords: linguistic school by A.P. Dulzon, studies of endangered languages, indigenous ethnic groups, the Selkup language, the Khanty language, the Ket language, the Chulym-Turkic language, the Teleut language
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 149 — 158
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