Regional Toponymic Dictionary: Methodological Principles of Compilation (the Case of the Dictionary of Toponyms of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia): Settlements)
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-4-34-44
The article describes the experience of compiling the dictionary of toponyms of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Settlements, which contains 562 lexical entries. The relevance of the work arises from the activation of toponymic research in the region and the need to document its toponymic system in this historical period. The scope of the toponymic material determines the novelty of the work, the depth of the analysis, and the extent of the linguistic and extra-linguistic problems solved in the collection of the linguistic material and the compilation of the lexical entries. The requirements for the preparation of toponymic dictionaries are analyzed, the difficulties in compiling lexical entries are pointed out, and possible solutions are suggested. In preparing the materials for the dictionary, there were a number of problems that were solved in the course of the study: it was proposed to combine the repeated names of settlements into one lexical entry indicating the location of each settlement; the official modern Russian language name is chosen as the introductory word and is connected in parentheses with the Yakut name, with the spelling and graphic design (especially if there are options) determined in accordance with the requirement of unification of names of geographical features from the federal law of the Russian Federation; the lexical entries contain all currently available information on the origin of the oikonym, the source language and ethnographic information as reference material; an administrative-territorial characteristic of the geographical feature is given to indicate the location. Perspectives are given for collecting and analyzing the material for further work on the revised and corrected edition of the dictionary; reasons are given for the need to document accent norms in the dictionary, as well as for the inclusion of information on other territorial and communal names in the new dictionary: territories, rural settlements, regions and districts, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Keywords: dictionary of toponyms, oikonyms, toponymy, codification, etymology, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), source language, lexicography
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 34 — 44
Downloads: 563