The ethnolinguistic identity of the youth of sakha in connection with the inclusion of the mother tongue of the youth of other subjects of the Russian Federation in the images of the future
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-2-100-113
The article was written against the need to determine the real meaning of the content of young people's linguistic attitudes in a changing reality to assess their readiness for modern challenges and threats. The results of the sociolinguistic analysis of the factors determining ethnolinguistic identity of young people from Sakha are presented in comparison with the total population of respondents from Sakha living in the city of Yakutsk, as well as with the linguistic attitudes of students (Chechens, Avars, Lezgins, Dargins, Tuvans, Buryats, Tatars) studying at the universities of Grozny, Kazan, Makhachkala, Kyzyl, Ulan-Ude. The main indicators of ethnolinguistic identity based on linguistic self-identification and linguistic competence show relative stability, while the latter is characterized by gradual spread of conversational skills. In accordance with W. Lambert's three-component model of attitudes, the affective component is the most pronounced in the structure of linguistic attitudes of the Sakha youth; the cognitive component is characterized by lability; the conative (behavioral) component is insufficiently developed due to the influence of a variety of external factors. However, the Sakha youth show solidarity with the ethnic community in preserving their mother tongue, recognize its value, and note that institutional development of the Sakha language in education is inadequate. A preliminary analysis of a survey of students in the Russian Federation revealed a high degree of integration of the concepts of "mastery of the mother tongue" and "patriotism"; however, the view of their (ethnic) mother tongue through the prism of personal attitudes is ambivalent. At the same time, the intention is expressed to use the mother tongues as often as possible in the future. The conditions of active contact bilingualism in the regions of the Russian Federation, and the variety of ambiguous extra-linguistic factors realize the purposeful activity of the ethnic community in the formation of patriotic consciousness of young people based on their mother tongue.
Keywords: Yakut language, native languages, mother tongue, youth, linguistic competence, linguistic selfidentification, ethnolinguistic identity, patriotism
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 100 — 113
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