Geographical names of mongolian origin in Bashkir toponymy
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-2-21-36
The work is devoted to the study of Mongolian place names in the toponymic system of one of the regions of the Russian Federation – the Republic of Bashkortostan. The study aims to discover in the Bashkir toponymy the geographical names of Mongolian origin to analyze their word formation structure, semantics, origin, and spatial distribution in the districts of the republic. The study is significant for the interpretation of foreign toponyms as it reveals the features of their functioning in the toponymic system of the Southern Urals. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that it makes a short excursion into the study of the Mongolian layer in Bashkir toponymy and, for the first time, presents the etymology of many geographical names formed from oikonymic, oronymic, hydrographic terms, drimonims and ethnonyms of Mongolian origin and tries to systematize them. The study was conducted using descriptive, structural, and comparative-historical methods of toponym analysis, as well as ethnolinguistic reconstruction and lingua-cultural interpretation methods. The analyzed material shows that toponyms of Mongolian origin represent a small layer in Bashkir toponymy. Ethnotoponyms of Mongolian origin in Bashkir toponymy result from the intermingling of Mongolian and Bashkir tribes and clans due to the Mongol conquest. Toponyms of Mongolian origin, formed from geographical terms, characterize Bashkortostan's natural and anthropogenic landscape. Mongolian geographical names are also associated with the common beliefs of Mongolian and Turkic tribes.
Keywords: onomastics, toponymy, Bashkir toponymy, ethnotoponymy, Mongolian toponyms, etymology
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 21 — 36
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