DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-4-48-58
This article deals with a linguistic and ethnographic analysis of the kinship and ritual terminology of the Tomsk Tatars. The Tomsk Tatars are the indigenous population of the Tomsk Ob region, which formed ethnolinguistic groups before the arrival of the Russian-speaking population. The Tomsk Tatars include Kalmaks, Eushtins, and Chats, the latter two groups being grouped in a subdialect – Eushta-Chat. The number of Tomsk Tatars in their traditional places of residence is about 3 thousand people. The article analyzes the data documented during the ethnolinguistic expeditions 2009–2019: Tomsk-Tatar terms divided into lexical-semantic groups in terms of ethnographic classification of family rites (maternity, marriage, burial) and description of family genealogy (terms of kinship). In the course of fieldwork, ethnic stories were recorded, and genealogical schemes were created to identify the family composition and determine family ties within the group and family ties between neighboring villages (responses to family ritual terminology were recorded in both Tatar and Russian). The vocabulary studied refers mainly to the Eushta-Chat subdialect (if so, there is no indication of its origin); if data on the Kalmak subdialect is available, information on their origin is provided. In addition, dialect data from published articles by A. P. Dulzon and R. K. Urazmanova are also given. When it is possible to determine the composition of word forms, a morphological marker is given, a literal translation is also provided, and lexical parallels with the literary Tatar language are copied from open lexicographic sources. The general conclusion of the article is that in the modern kinship and ritual terminology of the Tomsk-Tatar subdialects, there prevail units identical to the literary equivalents, often in a different phonetic form according to the laws of alternation of Turkic phonemes. A number of units do not find parallels with the literary Tatar language, and there are also vocabularies with unclear etymology. Most examples of genealogical terms are direct translations of descriptive terminology from Russian.
Keywords: Tomsk Tatars, Tomsk-Tatar dialects, ritual terms, kinship terms
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 48 — 58
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