DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-3-110-116
The article discusses homemade beer as a traditional drink of the Chuvash people of Bashkortostan. The aim is to study the degree of preservation of ethnic traditions related to beer in the everyday life and ritual culture of the Chuvash, and to identify changes in brewing recipes due to local natural conditions, technological and industrial developments, and the multi-ethnic environment. The research is based on previously published works, Internet resources, and field materials collected by the author. It was found that women are traditionally involved in brewing and singing songs that mention beer. Among the Chuvash of Bashkortostan, beer is consumed for thirst, energy, and health, and is also offered to the Earth as a way to bring well-being to people. While beer is traditionally prepared for various seasonal, wedding, funeral, and memorial ceremonies, it is not as widely consumed as it was in the past. However, it remains a popular ritual drink among unbaptized Chuvash (those who adhere to traditional ethnic faith) living in the villages of Yultimirovka and Akhmanovo. Traditional wooden dishes for making and drinking beer at home have been preserved. The study also discusses the establishment of the Autumn beer holiday, which is based on the traditional ritual of commemorating the deceased and is organized by local cultural figures.
Keywords: Chuvash people of Bashkortostan, brewing, brewing recipes, preservation of traditions, seasonal and family rituals
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 110 — 116
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