DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-3-69-87
The article discusses the expression of volition in Hill Mari, a language belonging to the Uralic family. The author focuses on two strategies for expressing volition: a synthetic strategy using the desiderative mood with the suffix -ne and an analytical strategy using the construction NMLZ + šoeš (‘achieve-NPST.3SG’). The semantics of these constructions is analyzed in terms of the subjects’ preference for certain alternatives, with the lexical verb representing the most preferred option. The construction with the desiderative suffix adds an additional component of the subjects’ strong willingness to realize their desire and take control of future events. The morphosyntax of the constructions is also compared, with the analytical construction being more flexible in terms of expressing tense and subject. The author also proposes a hypothesis about the development of the analytical construction in Hill Mari and other languages in the Volga region under the influence of Turkic languages, where a similar construction also exists. In contrast, languages in other groups of the Uralic family, such as Ugric and Samoyed, as well as the Permic language Komi, use constructions with the finite verb ‘want’ or a desiderative affix rather than an analytical construction with a grammaticalized verb of movement.
Keywords: volition, scale of alternatives, semantics, morphosyntax, areal typology, Hill Mari, Uralic languages
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 69 — 87
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