DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-3-42-54
The article is focused on the description of the tribal name of Lunikersky – the name of the Tungus ethnic groups living in the Nerchinsk district of the 19th century. To study its ethno-linguistic background, the author applies comparative historical linguistics and examines extralinguistic facts from documents in the State Archive of the Trans-Baikal Territory. These documents reveal information about the size of the clan and their economy, which made it possible to assume that their had more diverse life rather than reindeer herding. The tribal name of Lunikersky is ambiguous in terms of its ethno-linguistic affiliation, and the article suggests two possible meanings for it. The first possibility is that the name has an Ob-Ugric ethno-linguistic origin, as suggested by the personal tamgas-seals of the Luniker clan elders, which depict images of fish and squirrels. The second possibility is that the name is connected to the northern Samoyed lexeme for “eagle”, which is supported by linguistic and extralinguistic data. The article also discusses the ethnic and linguistic diversity of the Tungus population in the Nerchinsk district, noting that the Lunikersky may be an alloethnonym for the Tungus-Manchurian tribes of the past.
Keywords: genonym Lunikersky, Tunguses of Nerchinsk, Urulga Steppe Duma, State Archive of the Trans- Baikal Territory, eagle-totem ancestor, Nganasan language, tamga of the elder of the clan
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 42 — 54
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