DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-2-77-89
This article presents the results of a study of deictic (indicative) particles in the Khakass language. Deictic particles, like other indicative words, act as words that serve to determine the degree of remoteness of an object relative to the position of the speaker (“deictic center”). Each language has its own (binomial, trinomial and more) system for determining the degree of remoteness of the subject relative to the deictic center. In the Khakass language, the degree of remoteness of objects relative to the speaking person is determined through a threeterm system: proximal (“closer to the speaking person”), medial (“a little further from the speaking person”) and extreme (“far from the speaking person”). Unlike deictic locative adverbs and pronouns, deictic particles have a convergence of medial and extreme deixis: for the mna particle, the near deixis is the key, and for tigine and ana, the far deixis is the key. In addition, these particles are often used together with the corresponding series of deictic adverbs, deictic pronouns and other words to clarify the idea of indication, general assessment of the situation, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the object, etc. An anaphoric function is characteristic of the particle ana in combination with words expressing a spatial and temporal interval.
Keywords: deictic particles, clarifying function, general assessment of the situation, accentuating function, anaphoric function, Khakass language
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 77 — 89
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