DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-2-67-76
The article deals with the problem of the linguistic and cultural description of the conceptosphere of the Evenkilanguage, which is relevant for research in modern Tungus studies. The conceptualization of the hunter in thelinguistic picture of the Evenki is investigated. Hunting, which is an aboriginal occupation of the Tungus, playeda key role in the formation of their linguistic picture of the world. The concept “Beyū mekit/hunting” has a clearlystructured system: 1) the subject of hunting (hunter); 2) the objects of hunting: hoofed and furred animals; 3) prey(meat, animal skin); 4) means and methods of hunting; 5) place of hunting; 6) road used for hunting; 7) huntingseason; 8) animal traces; 9) dog – helper of hunter; 10) spirit – master of hunting. Being a basic element withinthe concept “Beyū mekit/hunting”, the conceptualization of the hunter is characterized by the following conceptualfeatures: 1) a man; 2) hunting (hoofed and furred animals); 3) with bow or gun; 4) for the purpose of food andacquisition of hides for clothing. As a component of the concept “Beyū mekit/hunting” the mental formation“Beyū ktemni/hunter” contains conceptual, figurative and value components. These elements are investigated withthe usage of lexicographic material and recordings of authentic texts from native speakers. The Evenki hunteris a recognizable image of the representatives of the Tungus culture, and he is the culture of his ethnos. Thecombination of lexical units denoting the hunter characterizes not only figurative, but also conceptual and valueattributes of the concept in question. The presence of root bases denoting hunting and found in all the Tungus-Manchzhurian languages testifies to its primordiality among the Tungus.
Keywords: language picture of the world, concept, Evenki language, hunting, hunter
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 67 — 76
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