DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-1-69-82
The paper opens a cycle of articles concerned to the emergence and development of multilingualism of peoples inhabited Kolyma-Alazeia tundra, the region where Yukaghir, Even, Chukchi, Yakut and Russian areas intersected. One of these peoples will be a starting point of investigation in each article of the cycle. The starting point of this paper is Chukchi, their arrival to the area mentioned, their contacts with neighbours, the languages they spoke. The pasture areas of Chukchi in the late 19th to the early 20th centuries were discovered on base of the sources (works of anthropologists, travelers, missionaries). As a result, the area in Kolyma-Alazeia tundra inhabited by Chukchi was in the first time mapped in every detail. Besides, the places where Chukchi contacted to the neighboring peoples and languages probably used there were specified. One of the important places for contacts were seasonal fairs which were mapped as full as possible. The evaluation of the data led to the conclusion that in the Western part of the area the Chukchi were multilingual despite the fact that they possessed large reindeer herds and hold higher economic position comparing to other inhabitants of the region discussed. In the same time, that in the Eastern part of the area the Chukchi kept traditional monolingualism and often did not speak even Russian, using Chukchi-Russian jargon to communicate to the Russian-speaking population. The possible reasons for emergence of multilingualism in the Western area were large amount of interethnic marriages and the fact that many Evens and Yukaghirs sought to live near or with the rich Chukchi. The eastern monolingualism was apparently supported by close contacts with Chukchi of “Chukotskaya zemlitsa” predominantly monoethnic area. The exact situation in some interjacent areas is not quite clear due to scarcity of sources.
Keywords: multilingualism, Chukchi language, historical sociolinguistics, language maps, Kolyma- Alazeia tundra
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 69 — 82
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