DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-3-107-117
Raw materials and molding compounds of ceramics from Shelomok II settlement have been studied. The paper presents the results of this study, and compares the findings of the technical and technological analysis and studies of ornaments. It has been established that soft clays (mainly non-ferruginous and, much less often, ferruginous clays) were used in ceramic production. Addition of gruss has been identified as the main cultural tradition in using mineral admixtures. A mixture of traditions in using mineral admixtures (gruss + chamotte) has been revealed. When comparing the findings of the technical and technological analysis with ceramic ornaments, the authors have identified Group 1B: Pearls with Separation as representing the greatest mixture of skills in preparation of molding compounds. The rest of groups represent an approximately equal mixture of cultural traditions, which is not as significant as in Group 1B. The study of adaptive skills and ornaments shows an influx of new population and their contacts with local tribes.
Keywords: Shelomok culture, settlement, technical and technological analysis, molding compound, raw materials, ornament
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 107 — 117
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