DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-3-97-106
Despite of popularization of visual anthropology among other social and humanities scientific disciplines, it’s theoretical and methodological questions are still studied quite poorly. In this article the specifics of visual anthropology as a scientific discipline since the beginning of XXI century are reviewed. Special attention is paid to critique of anthropological cinema, as a main product of visual anthropological research. The traditional approach to understanding of visual anthropology cinema perception has been analyzed. Different approaches to problem of anthropological film authenticity has been reviewed. The traditional critique of anthropological cinema has been analyzed from different positions such as physiology and psychology of visual perception, visual cognition, culture and psychology of video material visual perception, scientific and philosophical conception of postmodernity. In the ending the article is summed up and relevant conclusions are made.
Keywords: visual anthropology, anthropological cinema, ethnology, postmodernity, ophthalmology
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 97 — 106
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