The article deals with a game klyok (kind of pyzh, gorodki) in the Mari gaming culture. We consider the area of term klyok according to earlier sources and contemporary records. In Mari language klyok seems borrowing from Russian dialects. Further etymology points to the North-Caucasian origin of it; original forms (Chechen ģhulģ , Ingush ģholģ, Abaza qual, Ossetian qul I and ğolæ D) means «the dice». The fact that this term is moved onto the wooden ryuhu, plastic bottle finds genetic link of Russian and Finno-Ugric games like klyok with games of the Turkic and Caucasian peoples (with dices), reflects the processes and areas of ethnic interaction.
Keywords: folk games, Mari games, meaningless words, Finno-Ugric languages, Russian dialects, borrowing, ethnic interaction
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 119 — 128
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