The article explores the little-known Basandaika expedition that constitutes one of the greatest endeavours in the development of archaeology in Tomsk, i.e. the opening and studying of the Basandaika settlement II. In focus is the discoverer of the site whose name is almost unknown in the context of archaeological research in the Basandaika area – Doctor of History, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences (Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic) Hilda Ivanovna Mosberg. In 1943–45, she acted as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of History of Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute and took part in the expedition to Basandaika in 1944. Based on the material collected at four different Tomsk archives, the article reconstructs some of the events from the Tomsk period of H.I. Mosberg’s life. Analyzed is the field material associated with her name as well as the fate of the archaeological collection from the settlement. Photographs previously unpublished accompany the article. In addition, the results produced in the early XXI century investigation in which Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pletnyova was actively involved complement the ones of the mid-XX century research into the settlement.
Keywords: archaeology, excavations in the Basandaika area, the Basandaika settlement II, Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute (University), Tomsk State University, K. E. Grinevich, H. I. Mosberg, G. V. Trukhin, L. M. Pletnyova, N. V. Toroshchina
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 108 — 118
Downloads: 1191