Paper is devoted to investigation of peculiarities of ελευθερία and αγάπη concepts in Greek culture at different times: in ancient Greek culture, Byzantine culture, the culture of the Renaissance, and modern culture. The statement that these characteristics are the essential features of the understanding of the human being in Greek culture, which had a significant impact on the development of the Greek ethnos, is substantiated. On the basis of ancient Greek thinkers’ texts, the Bible and contemporary sources the formation and development of the idea of freedom as the essential characteristics of the Hellenes, and the transformation of the content and the semantic difference ἀγάπη compared with other Greek concept that refers to other manifestations of love (ερως, φιλια, στοργη etc) are demonstrated. At each of these stages, the essential relationship between freedom and love, and their inseparability from the human being and opposition to death is observed.
Keywords: ελευθερία-freedom, αγάπη-love, ancient Greek culture, Byzantine culture, the culture of the Renaissance, modern culture
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 87 — 96
Downloads: 1110