Research revealed the metaphors of seeing and receptions of mythological images of death in modern culture. These metaphors and images were the key point of understanding of links between seeing (vision) and knowledge, between seeing as ability to see the natural and supernatural phenomena and seeing as a way for fixing of the relations between life and death in traditional and modern cultures. Clearing of the basic ideas, which were the cornerstone of mythological legends of the southeast Slavs and reflected in fiction and motion picture art, showed a key role of the memory and imagination, structures of consciousness that provide storage, broadcasting and reproduction of ethnocultural heritage. Tracking of the communications between representations created by east Slavs gave the chance to track receptions of mythological legends in Gogol’s works, in film statements of these works and through them – in modern mass culture. The revealed receptions of Slavic antiquity in modern culture actualized a question of mutual crossings of the mythological ideas created by ancient Slavs and the mythological images, which arose in Antiquity.
Keywords: mythology, death, ancient Slavs, modern mass culture, cultural heritage, ethnic identity, literature, cinema, Antiquity
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 73 — 86
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