This article on examples of Shor heroic legends explores concepts such as soul (tyn) and power (küš), which have both positive and negative characters epic. The soul understand by Shor People as eternal origin, giving the body lives and capable, separated from him, exist independently. The results of the study found that soul and power arecalled "clean" (aryġ), in relation to the heroes regardless of their role in the epic, positive or negative. In addition, it turned out that the epic power of the main epic hero is stored not just in weapons but also in armor and other items, but the power of the negative character may be in the animal (cat) or the knifeskestik. Lost alyp power and soul restored various magical ways: reception inside (grass-cow parsnip, threejoint herb, egg, water), through the return of personal items (armour, lash), committing any actions (musical trumpet- pyrġa, injection in the mouth). Preserved in the epic beliefs and views associated with the notion of soul and power, reveals that they are identical. Lost force alyp necessarily loses his soul.
Keywords: Shor people heroic epics, warrior soul and power, stollen and return of soul
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 86 — 93
Downloads: 1001