The article examines conditions and mechanisms of formation of different models of collective identities of Turkic language peoples of Siberia at the end of the 20th century – at the beginning of the 21th century. The article demonstrates the importance of archaic social institutions as an initial stage of modeling of clan identities. The link between the ethnic processes and the emergence of ethnic models of identities is emphasized. The incompleteness of ethnic consolidation is reflected in the desire to abandon the artificial ethnonyms and the search of new ones. The article shows the importance of confessional identity as an additional factor for the strengthening of feebly marked ethnic identity. Moreover, the article reveals the importance of historical (quasihistorical) memory for the construction of different models of identities and also for construction “All-Turkic” (“Central Asian”) model of identity.
Keywords: identity, ethnic identity, Turkic language peoples of Siberia, historical memory, clan, ethnonim, religion, ethnic processes, construction
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 62 — 73
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