The article attempts to provide a systemic description of the phenomenon of pseudoborrowing which is characteristic for modern literary languages. The focus of discussion is the extralinguistic determinism of this phenomenon also peculiar to conventional borrowings. The first significant feature of pseudoborrowing appears its secondary character to the actual borrowing, which becomes the foundation for the subsequent processes of a posteriori word formation within the recipient language. The second important feature of pseudoborrowing is its being unknown and incomprehensible by speakers of a donor language. The third one is the manipulative character of this language phenomenon. Under this aspect pseudoborrowing can be viewed in two ways: either as a result of conscious manipulation of borrowed morphological material by recipient language speakers, e. g., for ideological purposes; or as a phenomenon of “reactive power” of language system, constantly forced to create something new out of available means within an exoglossic language situation. Pseudoborrowing is considered an ambivalent phenomenon: on the one hand, mentioned above extralinguistic determinism features and the designation itself emphasize its exogenous nature; on the other hand, the a posteriori nature of its products compared with the actual borrowing testify to its endogenous nature, i. e., belonging to the internal processes of a recipient language. The intensity of forming pseudoborrowings is proportional to the prestige of the borrowed donor language material in the communicative practice of recipient language speakers. The phenomenon of pseudoborrowing is a symptom of the diversification and internationalization of the morphological substrate of a certain lingua franca. The advantage of the approach proposed lies in the possibility of a holistic interpretation of the nature of pseudoborrowing considering trends of sociolinguistic and contactological orders.
Keywords: pseudoborrowing, aposteriori coinages, manipulation, diamorphism tendencies, exo-glossic language situation
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 29 — 35
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