The abstract is devoted to the first verbal presentation of Ket proper names in onoma system of Eastern Transbaikalye. The substrate hydronimic names are presented and described, which verbal root can be explained by the ket terms. They are ul’/ul ‘river’, Arin terms set and sat, kott shet ‘river; brook’, which are represented by regional toponims. Ethnotoponims like Assan, Kott, Ulyatsky genonimic of Tungus and Bodonguut tribal name of khori-Buryat represent the ancient community on the territory of historical Dauria, connected with Ket.
Keywords: Ket toponimic substrate, genonimic names of Tungus and khori-Buryat, documents of State Archive of Transbaikal Krai, synchronic correlates in the system of local geographic terminology, Bogdojtsy, Nikans, Bogdeideng, Khanta, Ol’gyt, Ulyat tribe of Nerchin
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue № 1
Pages: 32 — 42
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