The bronze buckle from the burial mound Cherdashny Log III is a unique find for the early medieval Western Siberia. The authors give a detailed description of the plot with multiple characters, special attention is paid to the stylistic features characteristic of small plastics of the early middle ages. Further there is the emphasis on the position of a seated man in the center of the plaque. Apparently, the oriental sitting posture with the crossed legs is typical in numerous artifacts of the early iron period – a more archaic feature. This posture could be seen in the figures of warriors – heroes – kings, for example on the decorated coin from the female Sarmat burial, one of the Kobjakovskij mound (the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don), on the handle of a bronze mirror from the elite Sarmat burial mound оf the I cent. CE within the Sokolova burial on the southern Bug river, on the bone artifact originating from the Kalalygyr-2 settlement on the left-bank Khwarezm, on the coins of the Indosaka rulers Maues and Azes II (I cent. BCE – I century CE), on the coins of the Kushan kings Kudzhila Kadzif, Vim Kadzif and Khuvishki of the I–II cent. CE. These analogues testify to the Iranian roots of the central figure of the bronze buckle from the Chardshnyj Log III. There are also a set of analogues in the Celtic tradition. The paper analyses the semantics of the buckle from the Cherdashnyj Log. Based on this semantics the threeworld structure can be argued: the Upper, the Middle and the Lower world. Based on the burial inventory, the buckle itself originates from an elite burial event. One of the hypothesis regarding the buckle’s role – is the co-reference with the dead hero – the progenitor, demiurge – as a connecting element between the worlds.
Keywords: middleages, early iron, Indo-Iranian world, bronze buckle, elite burial
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Issue: 2, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 59 — 71
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