The paper deals with the ethno linguistic discourse of some proper names of medieval origin from the perspective of cross-cultural and cross-linguistic contacts of the two types of ethnoses – the nomadic pastoralist and non-nomadic. The proper names are considered to code intercultural specificity of the ethnic mind, as well as to reveal the crosscultural peculiarities inside the semantic field of onyms.
Keywords: Nelyudsky Ostrog, Nerchinsky Ostrog, Nikan Tsarstvo, Chinese Gou-Go, “dog-headed” people, Nicans, “gromovnik”, Konursky tribe of Tungus, nonhumans/ half-people, State Archive of Zabaikalsky Kray, fratrial names of kets Kentan or Khanta
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Issue: 2, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 42 — 51
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