The given article addresses the problem of negation of interrogative and negative pronouns and adverbs in Vakh and Vasyugan dialects of Khanty. The thesis that in these dialects of the Khanty language there are no independent negative pronouns and adverbs, and there are only functional equivalents in the form of negative structures is put forward. The article also gives a brief description of similar phenomena in other eastern dialects of the Khanty language. At the end of the discussion, the functional equivalents of negative pronouns and adverbs1 are considered from the point of symmetry/asymmetry, as well as from the perspective of typology of denial.
Keywords: pronouns, adverbs, negation, grammaticalization, Siberian endangered languages, typology
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Issue: 2, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 17 — 28
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