The article describes some of the interjections and modal words of the Khanty language. These are the modal words and interjections, which can act as parenthetical components of the sentence. The article also elucidates the other distinctive feature of this category of words: they convey expressiveness, emotionality, subjective modality. Examples are given from the texts in Kazym and Wakhovski dialects of the language. For Kazym dialect there is also the material, which is recorded by the author. It is noted that in the Khanty language, there is a certain group of introductory words, which are mainly the modal words, though not any. These are those modal words that point to the degree of reliability of reported information, express certain emotions or attitudes, serve for establishing and maintaining contact, characterize a train of thought, point to information source. In Khanty, these are words like ałpa ‘evidently’, sorni χătł ‘what a happiness!’, vante ‘look!’, śŏχtijn ‘however it is possible!’, nεš ‘(it) appears’, etc. In the description of the isolated examples of interjections and modal words in Khanty it is registered that their entry into the phrase as an additional (“accumulating”) semantic component is typically emphasized. Especially it concerns interjections, which are defined as unchangeable words serving for the expression of emotional and strongwilled reactions to reality. As for semantics, it is also noted that interjections regularly enter into the structure of fixed collocations and phraseology units. It is revealed that these collocations have mainly expressive character. The data from informal conversations appear to confirm the main conclusions of the author.
Keywords: language modality, subjective modality, interjection, modal words, parenthetical components, Khanty (Khanty language)
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Issue: 2, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 16
Downloads: 2223