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1 | The paper discusses the types of toponym formation of Selkup settlements of southern and central dialectal groups of Selkup. The analysis is based on more than 200 stationary Selkup settlements (yurts) which were found in the area of the Middle Ob in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. The information about Selkup names of settlements was obtained from the publications of A. F. Plotnikov (1901), S. K. Patkanov (1911), V. Nagnibeda (1927), C. Papae (1952; the data collected in 1888), E. G. Becker (1965), as well as geographical maps of the period and unpublished sources: the data from church parish registers and the field notes of the author. Four major types of toponymic models of place-name formation and the areas of their distribution are defined. Two main toponymic areas approximately coincide with the boundaries of settlements of chumylkup (common formants -kynak, -nak, karamo) and syussykum (-kanet / -gayet, -dabu, -anga). For the area of the chumylkups it was found that the place names of the river basins of the Kenga (namely, upper and middle), the Chizhapka (lower and middle) and the Tym (upper and lower) are particularly similar in structure. Along the Ob there can be found areas with the attested suffix -n, and the adjective suffixes -l/l’ (in chumylkup) and -j (in the area of the southern dialects). In addition, the microarea identified with the suffix -sa / -tsa (without added nomenclature terms ed or et 'settlement') was outlined – the area along the Ob (between the mouths of the Parabel and the Tym). The identification of toponymic areas will allow researchers to speak more convincingly about the migration of various Selkup groups within their domesticated territory, and will provide the opportunity to draw ethnohistorical conclusions about the process of the development of the Middle Ob. Keywords: Selkup, Middle Ob, local groups, stationary settlements, settlement names, types of toponym formation, arуфы of distribution of toponymic models | 1899 | ||||
2 | The paper reviews the role of “ethnic festivals” in the process of ethnic consolidation of Selkupancestry population in Narym area in ХХ–XXI centuries and the development of semi-professional arts and crafts within these festivals (performing arts). The discussion also reviews the role of neomythology in stimulating of consolidating processes and building ethnic identity. Keywords: Selkup, festivals, neomythology, folklore, folklore images, arts and crafts, performing arts | 1257 | ||||
3 | Ljudmila Mikhajlovna Pletneva is an outstanding Russian archeologist, a true representative of Tomsk archeology school. | 1075 | ||||
4 | This article presents an analysis of the significant body of Selkup folklore texts with the character Itja (Itcha) and his opponent – An Man-Eater (Giant). A detailed analysis has been provided for one of the identified scenes, and namely stories about a Boy (the hero) who defeated An Man-Eater. This group is the most numerous among the fixations in the Selkup language and consists of 28 texts. The analysis reveals that the bulk of the corpus is divided into three main plots, which are the basis for the entire collection of Itja-texts that are portrayed differently in the territory of residence of the Selkups. Keywords: Selkup folklore, texts with the hero Itja, tale-types and motifs, folklore plots classification | 1188 | ||||
5 | This article deals with traditional customs of guesthood and hospitality typical for the Selkup culture. The analysis rests on the materials of folk Selkup literature, which reveals the main rules of guesthood and hospitality, as well as the materials of ethnographic observations (including I. A. Korobeynikova’s (one of the authors) reminiscences of her childhoood). The article presents the analysis of terms of greeting and farewell common to the Selkups living in Parabel-Narym (chumylkup) dialect areal in the middle of the XX-th century. The study leads to the conclusion that they are likely to have been borrowed from the neighbouring peoples cultures (the Khanty, the Tatars, the Russians). Keywords: the Selkups, etiquette, hospitality, norms of conduct when visiting sb, the terms of greeting and farewell, way of proper treatment to the respected people | 1229 | ||||
6 | This article shows the results of the corpus method approbation in the investigation of the folklore materials. The application of this method to purely folklore resources has allowed to describe the ethnographic character of the Selkup material culture in detail. The ethnographic context of the folklore texts from different Selkup local groups massively demonstrates their main subsistence activities: a combination of hunting and fishing. Meanwhile, each local group reveals its own distinctive features: the Middle-Taz areal – duck-hunting and fishing with the fishing net; the Central dialectal areal – squirrel hunting and fishing, etc. It has been verified that the locus of each of the Selkup cultures differs in the folklore texts not only in the distribution of the main subsistence activities, but also in the ethnographic details of daily routine. The range of ethnographic details varies in in the Northern and in the Central areals. Everyday realities from the Northern dialectal areal include the «chum» (a special tent) and a fireplace in the form of a bonfire, whereas the heroes from the Central dialectal areal live in «izbushkas» with a «chuval» (a special fireplace). Furthermore, it has been established that the Selkup material culture reflected in the folklore fairytales is archaic. Keywords: Selkups, local groups, folklore texts, hull method | 1259 | ||||
7 | This article is a review of the publication “Ethnography of indigenous peoples of Western Siberia in the collection of the Municipal Autonomous Institution «Regional Historical, Cultural and Environmental Center»”. Catalog / Author-compiler: E. R. Shamsieva. Part I. Megion — Ekaterinburg: “Fort Dialog-Iset” Publishing House, 2020. 148 p. | 605 | ||||
8 | This article is devoted to the analysis of eleven folklore Selkup texts, four of which can actually be called heroic tales. They were recorded in the middle of the XIX century (1845) by the linguist M. A. Castren in the Middle Ob; another text from the XIX century was recorded in the 1870s by N. P. Grigorovsky. In the course of the study, the main plot scheme was revealed, in which the main motifs are courtship or bride kidnapping by a hero, the hunt for the hero by her brothers and former grooms, and fights between the heroes. The other six texts analyzed are from the twentieth century and also show a similar plot development, but their recording is more concise, and the plot is laid out as a “short retelling”. In the course of the study, the difference in motifs between the texts was noted, and several plot variations were identified in which form this plot exists – a ‘male’ version where the main character is a male hero and a ‘female’ version where the plot revolves around a bride who is courted or abducted by a hero (but then the woman is the main character as the narrative focuses on her and begins from her perspective). There is also a significant difference in the use of narrative within the text. Keywords: Selkup folklore, folklore recordings by М. A. Castren, heroic songs, plot, narrative style | 475 |