Information for Authors
Requirements for the submission to the “Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology”.
Submissions for publication are accepted electronically in two formats (MS.DOC and Adobe.PDF) at
All accepted materials are published free of charge.
The volume of the submission generally should not be less than 12 A4 pages excluding the references, and should not exceed 16 A4 pages including References, Graphs, Tables, etc. The text must to be formatted in Times New Roman font, 14pt, line spacing 1.5, all margins 2cm, and saved in two formats: as MS.DOC and Adobe.PDF files. Graphs, Figures are to be either in JPEG or TIFF formats, while Diagrams maybe in MS Excel format, all submitted as separate attached files.
Cited bibliography and sources are to be listed alphabetically (Russian sources are accompanied by transliteration and translation into English give in [square brackets]). References in the text are to show in Parentheses with the last name of the author, the year of publications and the pages (e.g. (Author, 1970: 136)).
For the submissions in Russian:
- file with the submission in Russian should have a file name containing the last name of the author in transliteration followed by language code "rus": avtor-rus.doc, avtor-rus.pdf
- File content:
- UDC,
- Last Name and initial of the author(s) in Russian: Aвтор A., Aвтор B.,
- Russian title of the paper,
- Russian abstract (at least 250 words in length and reflecting representatively the content of the paper),
- Russian keywords, separated by comma (5-15) and following the words: Ключевые слова:,
- text of the paper in Russian at least 12 pages in length,
- language examples should be presented in a glossed format using Leipzig glossing rules; it is recommended that either Charis SIL or Doulos SIL fonts are used for notation,
- References in Russian (List of Sources) in alphabetical order, under the title "Список литературы:",
- Full name of the author in Russian,
- Affiliation / work address of the author(s) with the full address,
- degree of the author(s),
- academic title of the author(s),
- academic position of the author(s),
- e-mail address of the author(s).
- File content:
- file in English should have a file name containing the last name of the author in transliteration followed by language code "eng": avtor-eng.doc, avtor-eng.pdf
- File content:
- Last Name and initial of the author(s): Author A., Author B.,
- English title of the paper,
- English abstract (100 words in length 250 words in length and reflecting representatively the content of the paper),
- English keywords, separated by comma (5-15) and following the words: Key words:,
- References in English (List of Sources) in alphabetical order, under the title "References:", Russian sources have to be transliterated and an English translation of the title is to be added [in square brackets],
- Full name of the author in transliteration,
- Affiliation / work address of the author(s) with the full address,
- degree of the author(s),
- academic title of the author(s),
- academic position of the author(s),
- e-mail address of the author(s).
- File content:
For the submissions in English:
- file in English should have a file name containing the last name of the author in transliteration followed by language code "eng": avtor-eng.doc, avtor-eng.pdf
- File content:
- UDC,
- Last Name and initial of the author(s): Author A., Author B.,
- English title of the paper,
- English abstract (250 words in length and reflecting representatively the content of the paper),
- English keywords, separated by comma (5-15) and following the words: Key words:,
- text of the paper in English at least 12 pages in length,
- language examples should be presented in a glossed format using Leipzig glossing rules; it is recommended that either Charis SIL or Doulos SIL fonts are used for notation,
- References in English (List of Sources) in alphabetical order, under the title "References:", Russian sources have to be transliterated and an English translation of the title is to be added [in square brackets],
- Full name of the author in transliteration
- Affiliation / work address of the author(s) with the full address,
- degree of the author(s),
- academic title of the author(s),
- academic position of the author(s),
- e-mail address of the author(s).
- File content:
- file in Russian should have a file name containing the last name of the author in transliteration followed by language code "rus": avtor-rus.doc, avtor-rus.pdf
- File content:
- Last Name and initial of the author(s) in Russian: Автор A., Автор Б.,
- Russian title of the paper,
- Russian abstract (250 words in length and reflecting representatively the content of the paper),
- Russian keywords, separated by comma (5-15) and following the words: Ключевые слова:,
- References in Russian (List of Sources) in alphabetical order, under the title "Список литературы:",
- Full name of the author in Russian,
- Affiliation / work address of the author(s) with the full address,
- degree of the author(s),
- academic title of the author(s),
- academic position of the author(s),
- e-mail address of the author(s).
- File content:
For publication of the article the authors need to complete, sign and send by mail the agreement which is posted on the journal’s website (DOWNLOAD AGREEMENT). The number of co-authors should not exceed 3 people.
The submitted articles are checked for borrowings via internet service provider "Antiplagiat" (Antiplagiarism), required originality of at least 75%. The search is performed on the indexed internet pages and a collection of full texts of articles of the scientific electronic library
From 2017, all publications in TJLA are assigned DOI (Digital Object Identifier) - a unique identifier of the publication.
The Journal is indexed in the following:
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI),
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory,
Web of Science Core Collection's Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).