DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-4-121-133
The Aryshevskoe 2 site is currently located in one of the peripheral places of the West Siberian oecumene of the Stone Age people. It differs from other monuments in the area by the nature of the industry and the lack of absolute dating. These circumstances have led to resuming its exploration in 2019. The purpose of this article is to publish the materials obtained and the results of their analysis. A series of pits were excavated around the trenches already dug in 2000 on the side of the terrace. A collection of 427 artifacts was found during the excavations. The materials from 2000 and 2019 were studied using a number of methods: the method of analogies, descriptive statistics, and multivariate statistics. The cores show the predominance of the flat-flaking principle. In the case of the tools, the bifacial forms predominate, to which analogies can be found in the adjacent areas in the south and east. The chips are divided into 3 clusters according to technological criteria. This is the result of a cluster analysis of the size and morphology of their force bulbs and butts. Blades with a constantly reproducible shape predominate over flakes with a wide variety of shapes. The collection of tools appears to be typical of the Late Paleolithic. In addition, the collection also contains tools that are atypical for this period. The reasons for their distinction are described in detail in a separate part of the article. The result of the study is the determination of the characteristic features of the industry and the relative time of its existence. The industry is distinguished from similar Paleolithic sites by its characteristic lamellar and bifacial artifacts. Chips with features of percussion dominate the overall statistics, despite the division into three groups of chips according to the results of cluster analysis. The prospect of further study of this site is evident in the spatial analysis of the distribution of artifacts and in the absolute dating of the deposits they contain.
Keywords: Yaya, Aryshevskoe, Late Paleolithic, Neolithic, stratigraphy, statistics, typology, Tomsk region
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 121 — 133
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