DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-1-153-162
The article shows that the kuresh wrestling exists in two main variants among Bashkirs, both in the past and in the present. The first is a wrestling on belts, the usual drinking bouts and other public celebrations, held in the summer. The second option is the fight of riders in the winter months, where the task is to pull the enemy from the saddle to the ground under the general approval of the audience. The purpose of the article is to analyze the materials showing the participation of women in these types of wrestling. The study showed that in the traditional Bashkir society, women often engaged in hunting, herd cattle breeding, and participated in military affairs. In conditions when the well-being of society ensured by good physical fitness and mobility of all its members, customs were developed for children of both sexes to participate in various sports, including belt wrestling and pulling the rider from the saddle. According to historical legends and fairy tales, girls were often not inferior to men in these sports. The article provides examples of martial arts during wedding rituals between women-representatives of the bride and groom's families. The wrestling matches between the bride and groom or between the grooms are described as a condition for entering into a marriage union. It shown, that in the Bashkir village of Araslanov in the Shchuchansky district of the Kurgan region, a fight between women is still practiced during Kargatuy. The reason for the preservation of the custom is the natural and geographical isolation of the Bashkir Trans-Ural villages, remoteness from the centers of urbanization, which weakened the influence of Islam and state ideology. Women's wrestling kuresh in the specified village carried out according to the old rules, that is, without division into weight and age groups, directly on the grass near the audience, in everyday or national clothes.
Keywords: belt wrestling, kuresh, Bashkir women, nomadic peoples, folklore sources, field materials
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 153 — 162
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