DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-1-21-33
The article describes the presence of Samoyed-Mongolian language contacts on the example of the common vocabulary of the Sel’kup, Khamnigan dialect of the Buryat language and the literary Buryat language. Both lexical and semantic correspondences of Sel’kup, Khamnigan and Buryat words were found. This suggests the problem of studying the nature of these correspondences, both in terms of the ethno-linguistic substrate and in terms of language borrowings as a result of long-term contacts. The lexica taken from the Khamnigan-Russian dictionary, compiled and being based on field records of well-known Buryat educator Tsyben Zhamtsarano’s collection of folklore texts “Sacred tales of the Ononsky khamnigans” in1911. We reveal the problem through phonological correlations. The so-called “K-speech” of Khamnigans suggests that this dialect represents the “intermediate” language, or the “space-time bor-der” in the historical development of the Buryat language. For example, a comparison of khamnigan kubke (n), kobko(n) ‘forest moss’ and Buryat khubhe(n) ‘moss’ reveals an alternation of k- // x-, typical for Sel’kup kalderko ~ kaltyryko ‘walk; wander; run’ and Buryat haltirkha ‘slip; slide; sledge’. The results of the Samoyedic onomastic substrate of Eastern Transbaikalia allow us to confirm thesis of the tribal names Samoyed and Khamnigan as one and the same onoma. We suppose the so-called “khamnigan” past of the Buryats, i. e. Samoyed, is an intermediate link, which simultaneously explains the ethnogenetic origin of the Mongolian-speaking Buryats. A detailed study of the correspondence of the common vocabulary of two unrelated languages (which does not exclude the hypothesis of the Ural-Altaic language union) allows, first, to keep in mind the presence of the Turkic-language basis as a common one, and secondly, confirms the presence of typologically determined linguistic phenomena of both Sel’kup and Buryat languages in the field of phonology and grammar.
Keywords: Selkup language, khamnigan dialect, Buryat language, lexical and semantic correspondences, “intermediate” language, typology of verb forms, phonological similarities
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 21 — 33
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