DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-3-25-127-140
This paper refers to the problem of the origin of such sector of husbandry in traditional culture of the Ob River Selkup as animal husbandry. During investigations the author revealed that the reliable information about Selkup animal husbandry is dated back to the 18th – the beginning of the 19th century. It was at this time in a number of Selkup farms appear Pets. Analysis of the historical situation in which began to undergo the process of introducing the culture of the Selkups of livestock showed that the cause of this phenomenon is the increase in inter-ethnic contacts Selkup Russian population. There was also stated that deployment and development of animal husbandry in Selkulp culture spread from Ob River to its tributaries. Available sources show that the development of animal husbandry among the Selkups was uneven. On such tributaries of the Ob river as the ket river and the Tym river, animal husbandry by the end of the XIX century was poorly developed or it was completely absent. The first Pets on the river Tym appear only in the early XX century. The important role in spreading the skills of maintenance of domestic animals played inter-ethnic marriages (mainly marriages with Russians). At the first stage of this innovation the most common domestic animals in Selkup husbandry were horses, then (at the end of 19th – the beginning of 20th century) cattle (caws) became widespread; at this period the spread of sheep took place in Ob settlements. As the result, the author concludes that animal husbandry significantly changed the traditional Middle Ob Selkup Culture and influenced their traditional set of values. The new sector of the economy required major changes in the traditional economic cycle and the age-sex structure of the division of labor.
Keywords: Animal husbandry, Selkups, traditional economy, traditions, innovations
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 127 — 140
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