DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-3-25-42-50
The article, which is the first in the series on the topic, presents the results of the expeditions undertaken in 2016 to the Udmurts of Western Siberia. Based on the data collected, trends in the development of the ethno-cultural and linguistic situation in the region (Chainskiy district of Tomsk oblast) have been revealed, the current state of the national Udmurt culture and language have been described. The Udmurts, who migrated to the region following the Stolypin reform in 1910–1912, retained their ethnic identity for long, despite having few or no contacts with the main ethnic group in Udmurtia. The data obtained indicate that the use of the Udmurt language is decreasing: children, adolescents, young people (under the age of 40) do not speak Udmurt and do not know their ‘native’ culture. However, the efforts of both the local administration and enthusiastic residents have been reviving interest in the native language and culture among the population of the Udmurt settlements in Siberia.
Keywords: The Udmurts, Tomsk oblast, culture, language, expedition materials
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 42 — 50
Downloads: 1101