DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-1-41-48
Article has survey character, and in it different versions of origin of non Turkic water-names of Khakassia are considered (and the adjoining regions of Tyva, the Kemerovo region, Mountain Altai). The explanation of origin of a number of local-name material from classic Yenisei and Samoyed languages is confirmed by conclusions of the famous comparative studies concerning “linguistic history” of Southern Siberia. The article deals in detail with two, supplementing each other, interpretations of origin of water-names of the rivers in the territory of Khakassia. According to the opinion of the famous archeologist L. R. Kyzlasov, the etymology of more than 50 non Turkic water-names of the region can be connected with material of the Samoyed and Ugrian languages which were once occurring in this territory. According to A. P. Dulzon, in disputable cases first of all it is necessary to look for Yenisei (generally – Ket) for a basis of formation of water-names of this territory. Thus, both approaches specify the right direction of search: A. P. Dulzon's interpretations do not allow to use “Ugric Samoyedic material” in those cases where the explanation with Ket is possible (more widely – Yenisei). The origin of water-names on -ba (-be), really, is well explained by the Samoyed heritage. Doubts arise concerning water-names on -as (concerning which L. R. Kyzlasov writes that in this case “the Ugrian trace” is clearly visible). Accepting treatment concerning origin of water-names on -ba (-be), the author of the article considers that in case of names on -as it is possible to state that they are Samoyed too: this element of non Turkic water-names of the considered region reflects Uralic (Ugrian and Samoyed languages) heritage.
Keywords: local-names, water-names, Southern Siberia, Khakassia, Turkic languages, Altai languages family, Uralic languages, Yenisei languages
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 41 — 48
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