DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-2-18-24
Article reflects results of a preliminary research of the subject connected with studying of problems “the language and the world reflected in it” (with a binding to problems of a lexicology and lexicography). The modern ethnic linguistics (with a cognitive bias) is characterized by complexity of definition of basic concepts: “the lexical field”, “semantic structure”, “world picture”, “categorization of concepts of language”, “cognitive semantics”, “concepts”, “frames”, many others. Article is devoted to justification of division of group of the words connected with the nomination of the person on three subgroups: the words calling (χǎnti ‘the person; the Khanty’, χö ‘man’, nε ‘woman’ and others), characterizing (χon ‘king’, vełpas χö ‘hunter’, mis nε ‘milkmaid’, pił ‘fellow traveller’, łöχas ‘friend’, ǎs ‘parent’ and others) and estimating (tuvrεm ‘the hooligan; fidget, mischievous person’, uli-muli ‘silly; silly fellow; forgetful’, χǎrχ-murχ ‘indifferent; unsociable person’, siłka ‘swine; enemy’, χom ‘devil; damned’ and others). The analysis of the dictionary structure correlated to the person (or with image of the person), allows to reveal already at the first stage three main functional and semantic subgroups, and during the further research it is possible to define also possibilities of semantic transition between them (it is possible to find out, in particular, as the words calling and characterizing can be used as estimating). It is specified insufficient representation in dictionaries of the Khanty language of words of the third subgroup, on need of collection of information about such words and preparation for the edition of dictionary of ‘anthropological’ lexicon of the Khanty language (sensible and combinatory type).
Keywords: Personalized lexicon, functions of various (groups) words, nomination, characteristic, assessment, northern dialects of the Khanty language
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 18 — 24
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