The article deals with new sources for dating of famous sacral-industrial complex of the early Iron Age from Kizhirovo hillfort in the Tomsk Ob region. This complex is comprised of casting molds and cult vessels with drawings, stylistically close to Kulayka culture casting and engraving on bronze discs. The completeness of molds was verified in the study of the collection. The article presents the analogy with subjects casting in these forms. They have a typological conformity in products of era boundaries and first centuries AD in various regions of Siberia and the Urals. Some of the technological methods used in the forms apparently related to the Central Asian cultural tradition of the Han time. The accumulated information allows to hypothesize that sacral-industrial complex of Kizhirovo did not appear at an early stage of existence sites of Kulayka culture, as previously thought, but later – on Sarovka stage of that culture.
Keywords: the early Iron Age, the Kulaika culture, Western Siberia, casting molds
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 122 — 131
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