The phenomenon of polyculturalism according to the archeological data is represented with a different degree of authenticity at several levels (burial, planographic, subject-related, ritual). In the Early Iron Age, on the territory of the forest steppe of Ob Region, interaction of the population of various origins is most vividly illustrated by multi-grave burial mounds of the Bystrovka necropolis (Bystrovka- 1, 2, 3) dated from no later than the last quarter of 1000 BC with the help of radiocarbon (year-ring) methods. The well-dated tombs from large Upper Ob necropolises, which were used for a considerable time in the Early Iron Age, provide important information for the historical reconstruction of various archaeological cultures. The total number of buried individuals, who lived in this area over the last quarter of the 1st millennium BC, is sufficient for a reliable representation of cultural interrelations that took place during the terminal period of the Early Iron Age in the forest-steppe Ob Basin.
Keywords: Early Iron Age, forest steppe Ob Region, polyculturalism, scientific dating methods
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 94 — 102
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