Describing culture-specific vocabulary is an important and at the same time rather challenging part of lexicographic work. In particular, this concerns making dictionaries of minority languages that are considered to be endangered. As a rule, these languages are understudied and not sufficiently documented, which complicates presentation of ethnocultural realia to a greater extent. One of such languages is Ket, an endangered language spoken by a small number of people residing in the north of Krasnoyarsk province. The present article describes the main problems related to presenting ethnocultural material that were encountered in the course of making the Comprehensive Ket dictionary. Among them are 1) cultural differences in categorization of extralinguistic reality, 2) presentation of ethnocultural c information in a dictionary entry, 3) loss of ethnocultural knowledge in the language community.
Keywords: Ket, minority languages, endangered languages, Siberian languages, lexicography, ethnocultural vocabulary, dictionary
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 24 — 32
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