The article deals with issues related to the resettlement of the representatives of the Tatar ethnic group in Western Siberia. The author singles out government reform as the main reason of migration to Siberia. In addition, they settled on the Tomsk area as traders and exiles; settlers went for a better share. The article observed that the territory of the Volga and Ural regions is the main source for the Tatar migration. The author identifies the resettlement areas of The tatar ethnic group. Some Tatars settled in the ethnic villages of the local (Tomsk) Tatars, some established new localities. Thus Yurts Kazan, Kirek, Birch River, Serebryakovsky, Novyi Kazanka, Novyi Islamboul, Nurkai, Tukai, Sarzas were formed the same way. Most of the studied settlements are the part of the Tomsk region.
Keywords: Siberia, Tomsk, resettlement, migration, Kazan tatars, Tomsk tatars, village settlers
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 60 — 73
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