This paper investigates linguistic and cultural aspects of metamorphosis of folklore characters of three peoples of Ob-Yenisei area: Ket, Selkup, and Khanty. This work focuses on variants of a single myth about the moon's origin shared by these three cultures. This myth revealed several metamorphoses, for example: man → man’s half without a heart → moon; man → swan → man’s half without a heart → moon, and the others. The structure of metamorphosis situations might include the following components: 1) who/what is transforming; 2) in whom/what subject is transforming; 3) initiator of transformation (if available); 4) what actions are accompanying and/or initiating the transformation. Thus the metamorphosis situation can be observed as a not elementary language unit, that is built by mutual penetration of composed components.
Keywords: folklore, Ob-Yenisei area, metamorphosis, lexical and grammatical means of realization
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 73 — 80
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