The author considers the functioning of obscene words in the Buryat language as statements with different objectives, interjections and pejorative words. The research is based on data of the Barguzin dialect of the Buryat language, which preserved the vocabulary of this semantic field. It is revealed that the Buryat obscene words are not used in the speech for the purpose of sending, oaths, and as a neutral insertion. The frequent dyad: ütegen ‘vulva’ – ozgoi ‘penis’ is the core component of obscene words if western dialects of the Buryat language. It is used as interjections, which express extreme variety of emotional connotations (fright, surprise, admiration, regret, etc.). Formulas in question having resemblance with the sentences are curses aimed on extinction of the kin. Equivalent of the third component of "obscene triad" in the Russian language with the meaning 'futuere' is not so productive in the Buryat language. The author analyses the etymology of some words of this semantic field, describes some ways to protect from being cursed. The obscene words of the Buryat language are used not only in speech. They function in shamanic songs, connected to the continuation of the kin, and reversing infertility.
Keywords: Buryat language, dialect, words, interjection, pejorative
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 49 — 56
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