In article comparison between a taboo (and the tabooed words) in languages of indigenous people of Siberia is carried out. For comparison material of two Siberian languages – Khanty and Khakass is attracted. This comparison testifies to identical approach to reflection of surrounding reality, but distinction in fragments of lexical systems of two languages. This difference is explained generally by that this fragment appeared in languages of the people living and living in different geographical conditions. Main line of comparison: “bear language” and the tabooed words as a part of the Khanty language and the “false words” of the Khakass language (functioning generally in the sphere of lexicon of hunting). At this taboo it is analyzed as the ban connected with magic function of language (speech) as the phenomenon, characteristic for the languages keeping lexicon of archaic culture. From among the tabooed words only that are used instead of synonymous by it the words or expressions which are represented inappropriate on hunting and in conversation on hunting, on behavior in “a hunting landscape” are considered. In culture of the Khanty the cult of a bear and a complex of myths and ceremonies, the called “bear holiday” or “bear merrymakings” is of great importance. The lexicon connected with this cult we also call actually a taboo. But happen in languages (in our case – Khanty and Khakass) and simply tabooed words, or false names used instead of usual words by the persons involved in the sphere of secret, forbidden, specific (trade).
Keywords: a taboo, the tabooed words, a fragment of lexical system, the Khanty language, the Khakass language
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 45 — 52
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