The language of the Chulym Turks is local only to some territories of the Tomsk region and the Krasnoyarsk territory. Recent surveys indicate the number of fluent speakers to be under fifteen. Chulym Turkic still bears the status of a colloquial tongue. Several attempts have been made to create a writing system of the language (though the language itself presently consists of two sub-dialects, each with unique phonemic fluctuation). This paper addresses problems occurring at creating methodic materials in Chulym Turkic and, above all, connected with the phonemic variations in the Chulym Turkic language that lead to difficulties in compiling a dictionary of the consultants’ mother tongue (Chulym Turkic). Such variations occur, on the one hand, due to the widespread tendency of phoneme reduction in an unstressed position and at the word end; on the other hand, they occur under the laws of the phoneme alternation range in the conditions of a language system not ultimately formed.
Keywords: the Chulym Turkic language, phonemic invariant, writing system
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Issue: 4, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 9 — 12
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