The article deals with the stylistic device metamorphosis and peculiarities of its representation in Selkup fairy tales and world mythology. Metamorphosis together with hyperbole and metaphor is one of the most ancient and effective stylistic devices that is widely used in different folklore and literature genres. In modern linguistics this stylistic device is not thoroughly investigated. Moreover, there is no common point of view on the nature, grounds and motivation of metamorphosis. Every fairy tale and myth is a complex folklore work that contains all plot constituent parts, characters with their speech peculiarities, philosophic/instructive conclusions. Many aspects of fairy tales discourse need detailed linguistic study. Selkup fairy tales (for example, folk tales of Narym Selkups, the Parabel region fairy tales) and different ethnic myths (Aztec, Native American, Greek) served as the basis for linguistic research. During the analysis of folk and mythological plots the author determines ways, reasons, character and motivation of metamorphoses that happened with people/objects involved in the narration. Metamorphoses have different functions in mythological and fairy tales discourse, i.e. the mean of plot-building, way of revealing hero’s character or manner of creating emotional tension (climax). The grounds of transformation can be the following: “magical escape” motive, motive of turning into stone, touching or eating magical things, putting on/off skin of birds/animals. Metamorphoses that lead to the creation of animate as well as inanimate (toponyms, landscape parts) objects are considered in the article. The modern interpretation of metamorphosis in world literary tradition is analyzed.
Keywords: metamorphosis, stylistic device, the Selkup language, Selkup fairy tales, world mythology, folklore, transformation, plot, motive
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Issue: 3, 2014
Series of issue: Issue № 1
Pages: 39 — 48
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